Page 14 - MIL 40th Anniversary
P. 14
But the Future is Waiting
As a company, MIL is ever-changing yet fundamentally unchanged. Over the years,
people have come and gone—employees and customers alike—yet some remain.
Our methods and practices have evolved and refined, and yet the basics remain
unaltered. What has not changed and will not change in the days to come are the
essentials. The core values. MIL’s Mission, Vision, and Purpose.
our mission, vision & purpose
MIL’s Mission is still to be people making
the difference by providing creative,
competitive, and dependable technology
solutions that exceed expectations.
Our Vision is still to shape a high performing
federal government through a commitment
to excellence and innovative solutions.
And our Purpose, has been and will always
be to be an organization that provides
positive and productive experiences for our
clients and inspires our team to be leaders.