Page 5 - MIL Connection Spring 2018
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         Association of Government Accountants (AGA)

         2018 Financial Systems Summit

         MIL’s John Roland, VP for the Financial Services Sector,   The AGA pre-event program began with opening remarks by
         represented MIL at the 2018 Financial Systems Summit (FSS)   the guest speakers, and was followed by a roundtable discussion
         and pre-event sponsored by the Association of Government   that enabled representatives from each organization to ask a
         Accountants (AGA). The pre-event roundtable took place on   question of the guests. The next day, MIL participants attended
         January 16th at the Marriott Marquis in Washington DC. This   the conference sessions where they met with federal financial
         year’s event featured special guests Jose Arrieta and Anil John.   managers and private-sector executives to discuss issues affecting
         Jose Arrieta is Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and   the federal government’s financial management systems.
         Senior Procurement Executive for the U.S. Department of Health
         & Human Services, and Anil John is a Program Manager of the
         Identity Management and Data Privacy Research, Development
         and Transition Program, Cyber Security Division, Homeland
         Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA), DHS
         Science and Technology Directorate.

                                                                                    employee stories

         Planning MIL’s Annual Awards

         Ceremony & Celebration in Charleston

         The Charleston Social Committee’s hard work planning the 2017
         Awards Ceremony was a huge success! To give you an idea of
         what it takes to stage an event of this size and caliber, here’s a
         peek behind the curtain…
         First, you need to secure a venue. In early February, the Social
         Committee began researching venues. The challenge was to find
         a venue in a central Charleston location that could seat over 200
         people indoors. Charleston’s climate is relatively warm in the   Then, determine an event date. We wanted the event to feel
         winter with average temperatures in January ranging from 38   separated from the holidays, so we chose Jan 27th as our date
         to 48 degrees. An average of 208 sunny days per year allows for   because it was far enough away from New Years’ and Presidents
         the option to attend outdoor events all year long, which is one   Day weekend, and was a week prior to Super Bowl Weekend. This
         of the charms and attractions of the city, and makes it tempting   way, MIL employees would be rested from any prior traveling and
         to host outdoor events. We’ve hosted the event in outdoor areas   would not have the Super Bowl the following day to create any
         with great success in the past, but we thought it wise to secure   distraction. Our goal was to have as many employees attend as
         an indoor event space where we wouldn’t be susceptible to the   possible.
         elements. We toured multiple sites and ended up choosing   And, find vendors. At MIL, we strive for the best, day in and
         the Grand Magnolia Ballroom  in Sterling Hall at the Hyatt   day out. Choosing vendors for the event is no exception! That’s
         House in Historic Downtown Charleston. The venue is indoors,   why we choose to work with Cru Catering. Cru has been voted
         has parking, great views of downtown Charleston, and could   Charleston’s # 1 caterer for the past 15 years. The food is truly
         comfortably accommodate our guests. Hosting the event at the   amazing; they offered us so many options, worked with us to tailor
         hotel offered the chance for guests to stay the night and the venue   the menu, and were flexible as we worked to refine our number of
         has a new rooftop bar, which gave partygoers the opportunity   attendees.
         to continue the unofficial festivities once the official event   Okay, time to dial-in the menu! One of the great things about
         concluded.                                             working for MIL is the company’s diverse work culture. That
                                                                diversity is also expressed in our favorite cuisines; not everyone

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