Page 9 - MIL Connection Spring 2018
P. 9

employees of the month                                     announcements

         January 2018: Derek Morin                              Stephen Wells Moffat

                           Derek Morin started with MIL in      Born December 31, 2017 | 8lbs 3oz | 21 inches
                           November 2016 after serving in the Navy
                           as a Cryptologic Warfare Officer. Since                          What a great way to ring in
                           then, he has been supporting NAVAIR                              the new year! Congratulations
                  and as a Cyber Security Test                    to Allyson and Dave Moffat
                           Engineer, leveraging his background in RF                        who welcomed baby Stephen
                           communications and C4I systems to tackle                         Wells Moffat on 12/31/17.
                           the challenge of hardening non-enterprise                        Allyson is a part of the Quality
                           data links in U.S. Navy aircraft. He has                         Management Team at Human
                           been fully integrated into the process of                        Resources Shared Services at
                           actively working alongside systems under                         the Department of State in
         test and implementing the captured in the process of developing   Charleston, SC. Both Allyson and Wells are doing great.
         more effective tools for later events and requirements.  Peshwa Najeeb
         February 2018: William Lane Huntley                    Born February 2, 2018 | 6lbs 9oz | 19 inches

                           Lane remains a key member of the GFAA                            Congratulations to Palwasha
                           Project Management (PM) Team and                                 Mohammadi, a Time and
                           maintains an approachable attitude during                        Attendance Analyst at Dept. of
                           every interaction.  He has continued to                          State, and Najeebullah Najeeb,
                           build his trust with client and coworkers                        a Voucher Examiner at Dept. of
                           alike and is the primary point of contact                        State, on the birth of their sweet
                           for the highly active Level I system, GFMS.                      baby girl, Peshwa Najeeb.
                           He has recently assisted with multiple
                           process changes, which support the major
                           streamlining effort in the PM process
                           update.  Lane is always eager to accept   Jack Van Parys
         additional responsibilities and introduce ideas.  He shows great
         initiative by brainstorming new projects.  Aside from his own   Born February 20, 2018 | 7lbs 5oz | 20 inches
         production tasking, he consistently participates in peer reviews       What a great way to ring in the new year!
         and offers assistance to other team members.                           Congratulations to Allyson and Dave Moffat
                                                                                who welcomed baby Stephen Wells Moffat
         March 2018: Marcus Hamman                                              on 12/31/17. Allyson is a part of the Quality
                                                                                Management Team at Human Resources
                            Marcus Hamman is a senior member of                 Shared Services at the Department of State in
                           the FAA Level 2 Delphi Help Desk Team.               Charleston, SC. Both Allyson and Wells are
                           He is assigned to the Project Accounting             doing great.
                           support group. As such, he is recognized
                           as a subject matter expert among his peers
                           and the FAA project management team.   Emma Rose McCurry
                           Marcus works on-site at the Enterprise
                           Service Center in Oklahoma City (OKC).   Born February 22, 2018 | 7lbs 14oz | 20.5 inches
                           Marcus has gone above and beyond                                 Katie and John McCurry
                           expectations for his role. He functions                          recently welcomed their
                           as the “go to person” for all FAA-specific                       precious baby girl, Emma.
         issues. He also supports several other FAA client managers. He                     Katie is also a part of the
         has worked long hours and occasionally weekends testing vendor                     Quality Management Team
         patches as well as data fixes. Marcus has an excellent rapport with                at Human Resources Shared
         many Level 3 team members in OKC. Oftentimes, he can just pick                     Services at the Department of
         up the phone and call to request updates on a project accounting                   State in Charleston, SC.
         or other FAA-specific issue. Marcus then communicates these
         updates to the other members of the Delphi Help Desk team
         in Rosslyn. He is truly a team player and his expertise reflects
         positively on himself, MIL, and the FAA client
                                                                     spring 2018  | The MIL Connection | 9
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