Page 8 - MIL Connection Spring 2018
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MIL VP John Roland nominated for delivery teams as part of the Information Technology
Services (ITS) Sector. Alex has also served as a reservist in the
AGA’s 2018 Andy Barr Award Pennsylvania Air National Guard for over 17 years, and has
completed four combat deployments overseas for Operations
The National Awards Committee for the Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, and Inherent Resolve.
Association of Government Accountants MIL is proud to support Alex and the rest of our military
(AGA) recently notified MIL Senior VP, Reservist and Guardsman currently serving!
John Roland, that he had been nominated
for AGA’s 2018 Andy Barr Award, one of the Survey says…
most prestigious awards in AGA’s National
Awards program. The Andy Barr Award MIL is always happy and eager to participate in customer
recognizes a financial executive in the satisfaction surveys. Customer surveys provide a valuable
private sector who exemplifies and promotes window into the thoughts and feelings of our clients and their
excellence in the federal government, high communities of interest. They frequently provide feedback
ethical standards, and innovative management techniques. that fuels our process improvements, which in turn improves
Congratulations to John for his AGA award nomination! our overall contract performance. These survey responses can
sometimes aid us identifying problems that need fixing. And,
Jake Thiry, CGFM Certified! sometimes the survey results provide a chance to see where things
are going right. One place where things are going right, right
now, is at DoS and SPAWAR in Charleston. Below is some recent
Please join us in congratulating MIL staffer Jake Thiry on his customer feedback we’re pleased to share. Congratulations to
recent CGFM certification. Jake currently serves as a financial every MIL employee that inspired their customer to take the time
analyst supporting the Department of State in Charleston, SC. to say Good Job!
Jake adds this achievement to his CPA, BA, and MBA degrees in
Accounting. MIL SVP Peg Kendra noted that Jake’s certification
was “quite an achievement” adding that “he got it done in less
than six months,” a substantial undertaking.
Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) is a Customer Feedback Kudos
professional certification awarded by AGA, demonstrating
competency in governmental accounting, auditing, financial » “MIL contract staff have, over the decade plus that I have
reporting, internal controls, and budgeting at the federal, state, worked with them, ALWAYS proven top-notch. Day-
and local levels. CGFM is a respected credential that recognizes one skillsets and education allow them to hit the ground
the specialized knowledge and experience needed to be an running and the MIL culture of continuous education and
effective government financial manager. personal development ensure a quality workforce asset is
The rest of MIL would like to join Peg by saying “Well done, maintained.”
Jake!!” » “Katie McCurry, Allyson Moffat, and Monique McElveen
are and have been nothing short of excellent.” getting last
MIL nominated for DoD’s ESGR names
Freedom Award » (Regarding timeliness) “This greatly exceeded our
expectations this year. Candidates to fill vacant positions
MIL employee Alex Sutherland recently nominated MIL for the were identified, interviewed, and selected generally within
two weeks. In some cases, it took only 1 week. And these
“ESGR Freedom Award.” ESGR (Employer Support of the of the were quality new hires. This set a whole new standard for
Guard and Reserve) is a Department of Defense (DoD) program recruiting and hiring. Kudos to MIL for doing what we
established 45 years ago to assist Reserve Component Service thought couldn’t be done by any contractor.
members in navigating issues with their civilian employers as
it relates to fulfilling their military commitments. According to » “The corporate ethics and values permeate the
the DoD, the Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom organization from the top-down. It is the backbone of the
Award is the highest recognition given by the U.S. government to selection process, the lifeblood of continuous improvement
employers for their outstanding support of employees serving in efforts, and should remain the focal point of continued
the Guard and Reserve. growth both by the organization as a whole and each of
the contract staff that daily demonstrate that the whole is
Alex nominated MIL as a way of expressing his appreciation greater than the sum of the parts.”
for MIL’s willingness to accommodate his potential upcoming
military deployments. Alex currently leads Salesforce platform
8 | The mil connection | spring 2018