Page 4 - LeadershipLine_July2022
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Take signs and symptoms of seasonal affective disorder seriously. As with other types
of depression, SAD can worsen and lead to problems if it’s not treated. These can
» Social withdrawal » Substance abuse
» School or work problems » Other mental health disorders such
as anxiety or eating disorders
There’s no known way to prevent the development of the seasonal affective disorder.
However, if you take steps early on to manage symptoms, you may be able to prevent
them from getting worse over time. You may be able to head off serious changes in
mood, appetite, and energy levels, as you can predict the time of the year in which
these symptoms may start.
To learn more, visit: The Mayo Clinic
Summertime Hours!
Great weather and the kids off school are a recipe for vacations and more time off from work over the summer
months. Managers must be mindful of and prepare for employee vacation time to ensure continued productivity
while eliminating the need to contact the employee while away from work.
Flexible work arrangements such as summer hours are top perks for employees now more than ever before and can
be great for overall morale and productivity if you can accommodate it.
After two years of lockdowns, travel restrictions, and fewer travel opportunities, most of us are ready for a vacation.
Because trips and vacations were limited during the pandemic, your team may have a lot of saved-up PTO at their
disposal – and, understandably, be excited to use it.
As a result, managers may find that employees are even more distracted by planning their getaways than in previous
years, which could make workers less productive. The warm months almost always trigger the “summer slump”!
Instead of fighting the summer slump, embrace it! Allow flexibility and encourage time away from the office can
help your team focus when it’s time to work. The “summer slump” can hit an employee particularly hard if they’re
not taking adequate vacation time. They can grow tired, distracted, and restless—all of which can affect their work.
But how do you ensure employees get much-needed time off work while also keeping your project running
smoothly? Here are some suggestions:
Provide clear direction on requesting time off Assess your business needs
Let your team know: Determine how much work your team will have over
» How far in advance do they need to ask for time off the next few months. Are there more projects than
usual? What are the deadlines? If one or two weeks are
» If there are any time or date limitations on summer especially busy, you might consider asking that no one
vacations travel at that time except in emergencies.
» How they should prepare before their vacation to
cover their work