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Fun Facts.

                                  Fun Facts about July 4th and the Declaration of Independence:
                                     » July 4, 1776: Congress accepted the Declaration of Independence. But only two men
                                     signed the Declaration of Independence – John Hancock, President of the Congress,
                                     and Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Congress. The rest of the signatures would
                                     be obtained by August 2, 1776.
                                     » July 4, 1826: Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson—signers of the Declaration of
                                     Independence who each later became president—died on the 50th anniversary of the
                                     adoption of the declaration.
                                     » July 4, 1884: The Statue of Liberty was formally presented to the United States by the
                                     people of France.
                                     » 1938: The year that the Fourth of July was declared a federal holiday!
                                  The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was 45 years. Of
                                  the 56 signers, the youngest signers, Thomas Lynch Jr. and Edward Rutledge of South
                                  Carolina, were only 26. However, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania was the oldest
                                  signer at 70 years old.

                                  Fun Facts about July:
                                     » The “Dog Days” of summer last from July 3 to August 11. The term “Dog Days”
                                     traditionally refers to a period of particularly hot and humid weather occurring
                                     during the summer months of July and August in the Northern Hemisphere.

                                     » We landed on the moon!  On July 16th, 1969, the crew of the Apollo 11 launched from
                                     Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Four days later, on July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong
                                     was the first human to set foot on the moon. The moon landing will forever be known
                                     as one of America’s greatest scientific achievements.

                                     » The US National Parks are busiest in July.
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