Page 5 - LeadershipLine_July2022
P. 5

Remember the MIL PTO rollover guidelines               Be an example
        The MIL PTO policy states, “MIL reviews PTO balances   If you take time off, your employees will feel it’s okay
        as of September 30th of each year. An employee’s       to do the same. It is important to encourage time off. A
        unused PTO balance may accrue up to a maximum of       burned-out team is less productive, and you risk losing
        240 hours as of September 30 for carrying over to the   burned-out workers to other companies. Talk about your
        subsequent calendar year. Any accrued hours in excess   own vacation plans with your team.  Not only does this
        of 240 hours as of September 30 will be paid to the    provide positive reinforcement of the benefits of time
        employee before December 31.” When people don’t feel   away from the office, but it also allows managers and
        pressured to use all their PTO before the end of the year,   their team to plan for upcoming absences.
        they may spread out trips or be willing to reschedule   Prepare for staff to be unavailable.
        their vacation plans.                                  To make sure nothing falls through the cracks when

        Talk to your team                                      employees are on leave, ask anyone going on PTO to
        Reach out to every staff member and ask about their    provide a list of upcoming deadlines, advice for solving
        summer vacation plans. For example, if 10 of 15        any potential problems, and a roster of important
        employees plan to be out of the office the last week of   contacts. Remind them to set up an out-of-office
        July, ask if anyone can shift their plans a week back or   message with an alternative contact in case something
        forward.                                               urgent arises while they are gone.

        Look for Professional Development Opportunities
        One employee’s vacation can be an opportunity for
        professional development for another team member. For
        example, a junior team member could take over for a
        more senior member who is on vacation and build their
        skills in the process. Just be sure not to overload the
        person covering for the vacationing employee.

                                    National Workaholics Day

                                    National Workaholics Day was on July 5th and reminds us to balance our work and
                                    home life. Work isn’t everything! Do you come in early, skip your lunch, and stay
                                    late or know someone who does? This day is dedicated to the people who fit that
                                    description – the workaholics.
                                    For many workaholics, stepping away from their work can fill them with anxiety and
                                    make them feel like they are lazy. However, you should note and keep reminding
                                    yourself that taking a break from work is not laziness; it is an opportunity to get an
                                    energy refill from other parts of your life.
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