Page 10 - MILConnection_Spring2019
P. 10

Humans are a weak link in cyber security, and
                                                                       hackers and social manipulators know this. They try
                                                                       to trick people into getting past security walls. They
                                                                       design their actions to appear harmless and
                                                                       Cyber criminals will use every method available to
                                                                       gain valuable information from you. That’s why you
                                                                       need to know about  the threat.

                                        DEFENSE SECURITY SERVICE

                                             CYBER THREATS

        WHY ARE YOU A TARGET?                                  HOW DO THEY COMPROMISE NETWORKS,
                                                               SYSTEMS, AND TECHNICAL DATA?
               Publicly available information helps foreign
                intelligence entities identify people with placement    Reconnaissance: Research phase used to identify
                and access.                                           and select targets by browsing websites to obtain
                                                                      names, emails, business and social relationships, and
               Contract information (bid, proposal, award or         technical information.
                                                                     Weaponization: The foreign intelligence entities
               Company website with technical and program            assemble the payload and wrapper, such as coupling
                                                                      a remote access exploit with a prepared spear-
               Connections (partnerships, key suppliers, joint       phishing email.
                ventures, etc.) with other cleared or non-cleared    Delivery: The foreign intelligence entity infects the
                                                                      target, most commonly using email, website
               Employee association with companies or                hijacking, or removable media (through insiders).
                technologies made public through scientific journals,    Exploitation: Successful compromise of targeted
                academia, public speaking engagements, social         vulnerability to allow malicious code to be run.
                networking sites, etc.
                                                                     Installation: Executed malicious code inserts
        WHAT DO THEY TARGET?                                          malware, such as a Remote Access Trojan or opens a
               Company unclassified networks (internal and           backdoor connection to the target system – may
                extranets), partner and community portals, and        allow for persistence.
                commonly accessed websites                           Command and Control: The malware will
               Proprietary information (business strategy, financial,  communicate to a controller server to send or receive
                human resource, email, and product data)              instructions from the foreign intelligence entity.
                                                                     Actions on the Objective: After completing the
               Export-controlled technology
                                                                      above actions, the foreign intelligence entity can
               Administrative and user credentials (usernames,       fulfill their requirements. Intelligence requirements
                passwords, tokens, etc.)                              can range from exfiltration, using the system as a
                                                                      strategic position to compromise additional systems
               Foreign intelligence entities seek the aggregate of   within the targeted network (hop-point), or
                unclassified or proprietary documents which could     sabotaging the system and network.
                paint a classified picture
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