Page 6 - MIL Connection Winter 2018
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Celebrate the New Year with a gift from MIL’s MMI eStore
This past March, MIL launched our MMI eStore and employees were invited to shop the eStore
with $50 gift codes. Due to the overwhelming popularity of this program, we are pleased to
announce that all employees whose codes expired December 31, 2018 will receive another $50
code in January! $50
You will receive your code via email. To shop our latest apparel, simply enter your MIL code
at check-out. If your order is over $50 (including shipping), you will be required to cover the Coupon!
balance by entering personal credit card information – do not use the Bill Me option. Shop til’
you drop and be sure to check out our latest winter arrivals!
contract wins
Mission, accomplished!
MIL was recently awarded the follow-on Mission Systems the Department’s Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) with
Engineering support contract with the U.S. Navy to perform advisory and assistance services to support efforts in research,
command, control, communications, computers, combat systems, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E), including technical,
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance engineering and programmatic, and corresponding administrative assistance
technical services. The $84.6M contract will continue MIL’s services.
support to the Ship & Air Integrated Warfare (SAIW) Division of As part of the winning ManTech team, MIL will be able to support
the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division at St. Inigoes, Md. DHS task orders valued up to the $325M contract ceiling over the
through 2024. MIL will continue providing systems engineering, next five years providing any of a wide range of programmatic
integration/production support, system-based test and evaluation services. According to DHS, the potential SETA III work scope
company news
services, as well as in-service life cycle-based engineering support
to SAIW and its many customer organizations, such as Homeland may include advisory assistance support in technology scouting;
vulnerability and risk assessment and mitigation; project
Security’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency. justification and defense; program planning; evaluation and
“This is MIL’s second successful re-compete of the Mission analyses of programs, projects, budgets, and performance; project
Systems Engineering contract, which stands as testament of execution, transition, and commercialization, among other
our outstanding working relationship with our SAIW customer support functions.
and the performance of MIL’s MSE contract management and The latest SETA contract is the third iteration of this S&T
technical teams,” said MIL Senior Vice President Tom Clark. “We RDT&E contract and ManTech’s second successful contract re-
are thrilled to continue this work, which ultimately lends a hand competition. ManTech was one of three initial contract awardees
in safeguarding our Warfighters while they are out protecting on the original $236M SETA contract, which was awarded in the
those of us at home.” summer of 2013. The ManTech Team’s latest award is a testament
MIL’s efforts will span military and commercial radio of the depth and breadth of the Team’s capabilities, achievements,
communication, weapon, information and computer networking, and experience.
as well as command and control systems. Work will be performed Congratulations to Capture Manager Jason Hannah and the rest
at both the St. Inigoes/Webster Field Annex, the MIL Integration of the proposal team for their efforts on MIL’s latest successful
Facility in Lexington Park, Md., as well as customer sites stateside subcontract win!
and worldwide.
Congratulations to Tom, Program Manager Harvil Jenkins, PMA-263 Contract Win
and the entire REPS proposal team—including our valued
subcontractors and technical staff—who made this win possible! MIL is pleased to be part of Team Bowhead’s winning task order
Part of the Winning ManTech SETA III bid for NAVAIR’s Small Tactical UAS Program Office (PMA-263)
under the Program Executive Officer for Unmanned Aviation
Team and Strike Weapons (PEO U&W) multiple award contract. MIL’s
REPS Sector (formerly C4IS) will work with Bowhead Science
& Technology, LLC over the next five years to provide mission
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently critical services. Congratulations to the REPS Sector team and
announced its list of awardees for the Systems Engineering Team Bowhead on this recent award!
Technical Assistance (SETA) III multiple award contract. SETA III
is an Indefinite-Delivery Indefinite-Quantity contract to provide
6 | The mil connection | winter 2018