Page 7 - MIL Connection Winter 2018
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company news
Meet the New Rapid Engineering, Prototyping, and Systems
Integration Sector (aka REPS & fka C4IS)
MIL is excited to announce that the C4IS Sector has a new name! fabricate an imagined design. By adding rapid engineering and
MIL’s Rapid Engineering, Prototyping, and Systems Integration prototyping tools with an engineer’s deftness and skill, we can
Sector, “REPS” for short, will be adding rapid engineering and now accelerate the process between ideation and execution, which
prototyping to the Sector’s existing full lifecycle C5ISR systems can result in significant cost savings for our customers. Rapid
engineering and integration capabilities. REPS will maintain the prototyping also enables concurrent engineering development to
Sector’s existing and highly esteemed technical solutions team occur, which can net both time and resource savings.
while growing its engineering capabilities and industry expertise. Look for big things in the coming months as MIL’s newly minted
Our goal isn’t to redefine the Sector’s identity but to expand the REPS Sector expands its engineering toolbox, making the most of
C5ISR systems engineering service line by adding to the team’s the newest technology and techniques to rapidly respond to our
current resources and skills and identifying areas to invest in customer’s evolving engineering needs.
tools, training, and talent.
REPS is being positioned to better respond to MIL’s customer For insider information on the new REPS Sector check out our
Q&A with Engineering Manager Lewis Collier on the MIL blog.
needs for rapid engineering and prototyping services. As the
name implies, rapid prototyping helps developers quickly
Kapil Prajapati Promoted to Senior Financial Analyst
Kapil Prajapati was recently promoted to Senior Financial Analyst supporting MIL’s Corporate Service Center in
Bowie, Md. Kapil has provided MIL’s executive and business sector leadership with financial tracking, reporting,
analysis, and budget development since 2016. Because of his willingness to learn, dedication to accuracy, and ability
to successfully complete tasks, his responsibilities have expanded over the last two years. Kapil’s knowledge of
financial and accounting activities and industry best practices have led to many positive impacts on MIL’s corporate
Please join us in congratulating Kapil on his promotion and a job well-done. We look forward to his continued
support and further growth within MIL.
MILTON Upgrade Slated for Early 2019
MILTON is being upgraded in January! Courses are now going to be comprised
of a series of videos and supporting resources. The videos are shown in a
sequential list, with a single course typically presenting between 20 and 90
minutes of instructional content. You can browse the course content or review
a short overview of the course. In addition, the program will offer practice
labs, books, book summaries, and audiobooks in 2019. Check out the 2019
Enrollment Forms on MILtranet.
Training Questions?
For MILTON questions, please contact Colleen
O’Connor at
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