Page 9 - MIL Connection Winter 2018
P. 9

employee stories

        MIL Develops First Ever RPA Bot for CGFS

        By: Kyle Brooks
        In late 2017, MIL analysts on the Systems Coordination and   To automate this process, MIL developed a robot using UiPath
        Implementation (SCI) team were asked to analyze the emerging   that reads, selects, and filters unstructured data from several PDF
        technology of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and determine   reports. This data is stored into memory in a dictionary collection
        if it could benefit the Bureau of the Comptroller and Global   of key-value pairs for rapid record entry and retrieval. The
        Financial Services (CGFS) at the Department of State. Working   robot then automatically calculates the totals before comparing
        with each office, MIL reviewed current processes in hopes of   the Treasury Central Accounting Reporting System lines
        identifying optimal scenarios for future RPA projects. These   against RFMS/D (DoS’ Disbursing System) data and places the
        reviews assessed RPA-related attributes including data inputs,   reconciliation results in a preformatted SOD Excel spreadsheet.
        decision points, business and processing rules, technical   In addition, the robot can identify specific values from the reports
        constraints, outputs, and many others. This effort identified over   including header totals that are used to populate the final report.
        30 scenarios that were deemed apt for RPA automation.   The resulting bot was able to convert the legacy process estimated
        From these scenarios, MIL selected the Statement of Difference   to take a week each month for one person to complete, into a
        (SOD) reconciliation process conducted by Disbursing for the   fully automated bot that can now produce the final SOD report
        proof-of-concept project. This selection was based on a few key   in less than 30 seconds. Total savings for this bot are estimated at
        factors. First, the SOD process relied on PDFs for data input.   400-500 hours annually.  The bot also improved accuracy of the
        With no existing PDF scraping technology available to CGFS,   reconciliations, identifying historical differences that were missed
        users were forced to visually match values from PDF to PDF   by the manual reconciliations. MIL is excited about creating time-
        that ultimately increased the chance for human error. Second,   saving bots for many other processes for the State Department.
        the process as a whole was one that staff deemed undesirable
        to undertake. MIL knew that fixing this process would be an
        easy win for CGFS and create the buy-in needed for future RPA

        Leading the NRC’s MDM End-to-End Testing

        On September 14, 2018, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission   the overall IV&V test strategy. The MIL team developed Test
        (NRC) presented Sr. AVP Karen McGee with the USNRC     Case Logs, executed tests (with the assistance of users and/
        Certificate of Appreciation for her leadership on the end-to-end   or development contractors), and documented the results. The
        testing of NRC’s Master Data Management (MDM) system.   processing and tracking of all issues discovered during testing was
        MDM is a new, complex, highly integrated system replacement   also coordinated by the MIL team, which identified over 70 major
        for one of NRC’s key legacy systems responsible for license fee   issues with the 14 interfaces supporting the MDM program.
        billing. The primary function of the legacy system was to create   These issues were all quickly fixed by the developers and re-tested
        and maintain distinct codes used by all NRC employees to   prior to going live.
        enter time spent on various work activities, projects, or services   Congratulations to Karen and her testing team for securing the
        for license fee billing purposes. According to NRC, the MDM   overall quality of the MDM system and helping NRC meet its
        project “took an enormous amount of planning, collaboration,   MDM program objectives on a very tight schedule.
        and communication across many corporate and program offices
        and regions. Because of the work done by this group, the Agency
        now has a robust MDM program that provides authoritative   Share your news!
        data sources and data standards; this has resulted in improved
        data quality, reporting and clarity in both internal and external   E-mail us at: with employee
        processes.”                                                achievements and announcements!
        MIL was brought in two months prior to MDM’s ‘go live’ date to
        complete an end-to-end test of the data flows throughout NRC.
        Under Karen’s leadership, MIL worked with NRC to develop
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