Page 17 - The MIL Connection: Fall 2022
P. 17

employees of the month

         June 2022: Matthew Myers                               July 2022: Alex Peksa

                             Matt joined MIL in October of 2021 to                  Alex Peksa provided exceptional
                             support Electronic Warfare Test and                    service during an OCONUS site visit
                             Evaluation (EW T&E). At the time, he                   that was recognized by the end-
                             was the first MIL employee to support                  customer. During the trip in May
                             EW T&E. Since then, he has received                    2022, Alex was part of a team tasked
                             glowing reviews from the Branch,                       with servicing and repairing 10
                             program office, and prime contractor.                  audio/visual suites that had not been
                             For example, in June of 2022, the                      maintained since their deployment in
                             MSTED Senior T&E Engineer for                          2019 due to COVID travel restrictions.
         Maritime Systems, Kevin Ransford, sent the following   Huge challenges were faced with inoperable equipment due
         message to the prime:                                  to lack of maintenance and firmware updates that caused
                                                                some equipment to fail. With limited time scheduled for the
         "Just came out of a Triton Chamber Test Status Briefing for
                                                                overseas trip, Alex worked 10 to 12 and sometimes 20 hours
         the PM over at PMA-262. A major topic of discussion was
                                                                a day, with no days off, to accomplish the service call. The
         the SIGINT test results as presented by Matt Myers. Without
                                                                result was successful completion of all necessary repairs,
         exception, he demonstrated a thorough knowledge of test
                                                                programming updates, and servicing that resulted in a fully
         methods and results and was able to effectively answer the
                                                                operation site that supports, and is used daily by, top decision-
         questions as presented to him by the PM and the PMA staff.
                                                                makers in the region including the Commander and Deputy
         For someone who has been in the job and a completely new
                                                                Commander. His efforts also provided a foundation and
         environment as he has for only about 6 months, it was a truly
                                                                baseline for all systems ensuring they will function in a more
         excellent performance. He really made the ITT look good
                                                                reliable and consistent fashion and ensuring that all future site
         when it counted most. Wish we had a bunch more like him."
                                                                O&M visits will be smooth and more predictable.
         MIL is proud to have Maj as a valuable asset to its

                             Madison James Hall

                             Congratulations to Heather Littleford and her fiancé James Hall Jr., both MIL employees, who
                             welcomed daughter Madison James Hall into the world on May 9, 2022. Madison weighed 7lbs 11.8oz
                             upon arrival.
                             Heather works as a Buyer in MIL procurement and James is an Engineering Tech III for MIL’s REPS
                             Sector.All the best to the new Hall family!

                             Mikaeel Seddiq

                             Please join us in celebrating the birth of Mikaeel Seddiq who was born on Thursday August 4th
                             weighing 7lbs 6oz and measuring 21 inches. Baby Mikaeel is the first child of Tharana and her husband
                             Abdul Wajid. Tharana is a Marketing and Communications Associate at MIL and member our Proposals
                             & Marketing team. Tharana supports a wide range of corporate initiatives such as events management,
                             social media networking, conference planning and logistics, and many more.
                             Mabrouk and our warmest wishes to Tharana and Abdul and family!

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