Page 12 - The MIL Connection: Fall 2023
P. 12
Alex Chen – Alex is a true professional who embodies the people and technology with passion and excellence. She is a
MIL values and is a super brand ambassador for the company. problem solver and a troubleshooter, always going above and
He works mostly on his own, with very limited input, and beyond to enhance HR processes with the best technology
keeps the client and prime alike very happy. He has been solutions. Rose cares deeply about our business goals and user
flexible taking on a different role than what he signed up for, satisfaction, and never settles for less than optimal outcomes.
and has learned, self-taught, and delivered. Alex also engages Rose has a growth mindset that embraces challenges and
with others sharing his thoughts and guidance on how to opportunities with curiosity and creativity. In her two years at
navigate a very tricky client and prime organization and MIL, Rose has led the way in transforming HR processes and
operations. He has kept a positive attitude despite much going efficiency with tools like ADP, Docusign, Power BI, and New
on around him as well. Hire Onboarding. She is always eager to take on new projects
Beth Meck – In her multifaceted role, which encompasses and learn new skills.
systems administration, software development, and Erin Hickey – Erin Hickey started at MIL as an intern
application administration of the Digital Networks & in 2011. We have had the pleasure over the last 13 years
Application Department’s Common Data Environment, Beth of watching Erin progress from an intern to a respected
Meck consistently demonstrates a commitment to treating and valued project manager for the REPS sector. She is
colleagues and external customers with the utmost respect the embodiment of MIL’s core values. She treats all of her
and professionalism, regardless of their diverse backgrounds coworkers, visitors, and customers with respect and is willing
and abilities. Beth serves as a role model for her peers, to help out with anything that needs doing, regardless of
fostering a positive and inclusive work environment for those whether it’s her role and/or responsibility or not. Erin is
around her. Her job necessitates effective communication willing and dedicated to planning and coordinating sector
and gathering requirements from multiple labs, PMAs, and events such as bake sales, blood drives, chili cook offs, and
Departments within the NAWCAD community, each with silent auctions—all in an effort to bring our employees
its own unique culture and environment. Beth takes full together. Erin has a sense of ownership and pride in
ownership of her communication, upholding the highest everything she does while completing her day-to-day tasking,
standards of professionalism in both verbal and written developing project artifacts for customers, or creating flyers
interactions, including published User Guides and Capability for our Recreation Committee events. Erin is a dependable,
Briefs. Proactively seeking solutions to challenges, she readily trusted employee who clearly meets the description of the
offers her assistance and promptly responds to inquiries. Circle of Excellence Award.
Beth embraces feedback and consistently strives for self- Susan Robinson – I believe Susan is the perfect
improvement and advanced training, positively contributing representation of the MIL core values. She treats everyone
to her team and the broader MIL family through constructive with respect and kindness. She is a strong communicator
feedback and unwavering support for others' efforts. Her that is willing to advocate for others when needed. She takes
dedication to these criteria makes Beth Meck an invaluable initiative to create events (on-site, and off-site) that facilitates
asset to MIL and an inspiring colleague for all. inclusiveness and collaboration. For example, she started a
Jessica Pickeral – Jessica is a great asset to our GFSS team at leadership podcast-club within division 12. She stays engaged
the U.S. Department of State. Her positive attitude, attention with her team, and is their voice when issues/adversity arise,
to detail, and amazing organizational skills are a few of the and their biggest champion when they are successful. And she
many reasons we feel this way. Jessica is our "go to" person has excellent initiative that requires no prompting from her
for any type of tracking of action items or issues. This is managers or peers to accomplish her goals.
sometimes a thankless but very important job for the work
that we complete in this office. She maintains close to 1,000
action items and task plan items related to our complicated
year-end process as well as all Helpdesk tickets for all tiers.
Jessica coordinates internal training for our Helpdesk staff to
ensure our team is expanding their knowledge and documents
FAQs along the way. She does all of this while having a CPA
and great accounting knowledge that she applies to our more
complicated accounting issues that come through the office.
In short, Jessica has a lot of responsibility, yet never drops the
ball, and does it all with a wonderful attitude.
Rose Rojas – Rose is a star in the HR Team, bridging
12 | the MIL connection | fall 2023