Page 4 - MIL Connection Winter 2018
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Making a Difference for First                          Catching up with the ETS Sector

        Responders                                             The Engineering and Technical Services (ETS) Sector welcomed
                                                               several new hires over the past several months to support
                              MIL’s Laura Friess and other C4IS   several ongoing ETS engagements. Please join us in welcoming
                              team members collaboratively     aboard Megan Erickson, Mary Kate Menard, Brian Rhodes, and
                              developed a Pocket Reference Guide   Holly Siebenmark to support the Naval Air Systems Command
                              for the Team Awareness Kit (TAK)   (NAVAIR) Central Travel Agency (CTA) at the Patuxent River
        app for National Guard (NG) teams to use as a resource while in   Naval Air Station. Members of the CTA team are responsible for
        the field. A customized TAK guide  was first deployed in response   providing application support to the users of the Defense Travel
        to Hurricane Irma in Florida, and later modified for use during   System. This includes travel administration support, walking
        Hurricane Harvey disaster response.                    users through document processing steps, providing basic
                                                               assistance and guidance related to business rules, and Joint Travel
        TAK is an Android-based app developed by the Department of   Regulation compliance issues. Welcome to the team!!
        Homeland Security to “support the complex communication
        and coordination needs of the multi-jurisdictional responders”
        (i.e., NG Bureau, FEMA, DHS, etc.). According to DHS, the
        Android TAK (aka ATAK) “is one of those game-changers that   The following new hires are now providing
        dramatically alters the user’s understanding of the action in   support to the Naval Air Warfare Center, Research,
        any given area of operation (AO).” ATAK is a government-off-  Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) contract:
        the-shelf app designed for Android smartphone use, which is     » Ellen Brooks-Crowell, Sujoy Chatterjee, Erika Fischer,
        available free to all government agencies. “The app uses GPS   Elias Palmer, and Ethan Reynolds were brought on board
        and maps to give the user a real-time view of the AO. This new   to support multiple programs and projects for the Air
        situational awareness capability includes “Blue Force Tracking”   Interoperability Center at PAX River. Jillian Kikkert
        to see where team members are, as well as terrain, weather, and   and Jon Lankford were also hired to support the Triton
        other topographical elements. ATAK gives operators in the field a   program at PAX
        dramatically enhanced real-time situational awareness. It provides     » Robert Hand is supporting the RDT&E contract as a
        them with enterprise information sharing capabilities that will   Systems Administrator at NAVAIR’s Cherry Point, NC
        further increase safety, collaboration and mission successes.”  location
        US Army NG Sergeant Major Gary Mauk, who served as MIL’s     » Kevin Godfree joined the Systems Administrator team
        primary contact at the Region 1 Homeland Response Force,    supporting our RDT&E customers in Jacksonville, FL
        championed the Pocket Guide project and noted that the “TAK
        guide has rave reviews from some folks down in TX.” The “folks”   Please join us in extending a warm welcome to MIL’s latest
        in Texas being first responding NG service members deployed to   ETS new hires!
        Houston in wake of Hurricane Harvey, which made landfall in
        Texas in August 2017.


        The Patuxent Partnership at

        CyberMaryland 2017 Conference

        MIL was among three companies selected to represent The
        Patuxent Partnership (TPP) at this year’s CyberMaryland 2017
        Conference. The CyberMaryland Conference is an annual event   are designed to test entrants’ skills in both cyber defense and
        sponsored by the Federal Business Council to bring together   offense in areas ranging from Log Analysis to Live Exploitation.
        leading members of government, industry, and academia   For the Industry Showcase portion of the conference, TPP
        to network and share information critical to the Nation’s   invited MIL and two other affiliated members to join them in
        cybersecurity posture. This year’s two-day event, themed “Leading   hosting a booth to highlight some of the cyber technologies
        the Cyber Generation,” was held at the Baltimore Convention   and expertise being developed and cultivated in the Southern
        Center on October 11th and 12th, and featured nationally   Maryland industrial base. Headquartered in Southern Maryland,
        recognized speakers and panelists on cyber and technology   TPP is an organization whose sole purpose is to bring together
        innovations. Also on this year’s conference agenda was an   representatives of government, industry, and academia to
        Industry Showcase, Job Fair, and the CyberMaryland Challenge, a   collaborate on science and technology initiatives of potential
        time-trial event in which participants are asked to solve as many   interest to the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) and the
        cyber challenges as possible within a one-hour period. Challenges   broader Defense community. The TPP organization also supports

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