Page 9 - MIL Connection Winter 2018
P. 9
VP, Contract Manager Harvil Jenkins receives DoD Patriot Award
Harvil Jenkins, MIL vice president and contract manager, was
presented with a Patriot Award September 27 by Jean Hulet, Maryland
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve state chair, in recognition
of extraordinary support of his employees serving in the Guard and
Reserve. Several employees attended the award presentation, many of
which currently serve in the National Guard or Reserve.
Jenkins was nominated by Army Reserve MSG Michael Lopez
Rodriguez, a technical project manager for the corporation.
“The Patriot Award was created by Employer Support of the Guard
and Reserve (ESGR) to publicly recognize individuals who provide
outstanding patriotic support and cooperation to their employees,
who like the citizen warriors before them, have answered their nation’s
call to serve,” said Hulet, Maryland ESGR state chair. “Supportive
employers like Mr. Jenkins are critical to maintaining the strength and
readiness of the nation’s Guard and Reserve units. Our National Guard
and Reserve members could not perform their military duty without knowing their civilian employer supports them 100 percent.”
“Mr. Jenkins has always provided outstanding support for my Army requirements,” said Rodriguez. “Regardless of what I am asked to
do by reserve unit, he always supports me. My reserve commitment is more than just one weekend a month and two weeks a year. It is
much more than that. I am frequently required to travel to military related conferences all over the United States. Mr. Jenkins always
looks for ways to support me and provide coverage for my civilian responsibilities without hesitation. His response is always “I will
support you 100% and thanks for what you do.” To me, this is an outstanding leader and supervisor.”
ESGR, a Department of Defense program, seeks to foster a culture in which all employers support and value the employment and
military service of members of the National Guard and Reserve in the United States. For more information about ESGR outreach
programs or volunteer opportunities, call (800) 336-4590 or visit
Supporting the public on copyright
MIL staffer Daniel Murphy is “a jewel” according to one very Technical Support Specialist Lead Keith Lomax also recently
satisfied user of the U.S. Copyright Office. As Captain Alan Olsen, received a glowing letter of appreciation from another grateful
Civil Engineer Corps, US Navy (ret.) sees it, he had the good Copyright Office user. Calling herself a “a 55-year old mother
fortune to have Daniel answer his call for help. After struggling and grandmother,” Mrs. N. Sandow acknowledged her regard
on his own to complete a copyright application for his book for Keith’s efforts on her behalf. She states, “There are people
chronicling his wife Inger’s years as a young child in Norway everywhere who work hard at what they do and they do it with
during World War II, Captain Olsen decided to call the Copyright kindness, class, and efficiency. Quite often these people work in
Office for assistance. unnoticed jobs that never get a spotlight the way so many other
As a practice, MIL does not send surveys to users, but Capt. Olsen lines of work do and they are content to do this because they
offered this unsolicited feedback: are good people. You have one of these people in your employ.
His name is Keith and he was patient, understanding, well
…To be concise and accurate this guy is a jewel! I explained my mannered, and efficient while helping me.”
lack of ability and experience with computers and he patiently and
repeatedly told me each and every step to take to do the job. I can’t Mrs. Sandow ended her note by declaring:
adequately express my thanks for his guidance and perseverance in As a government agency that provides a needed service for its’
getting this old codger through the maze of computer processes. citizens, you should be proud of him and I would like him to
I am forever indebted to him. Please track him down and pass along receive acknowledgement for doing his job so well. He exemplifies
my thanks… the American standard that has been forgotten by so many people
So, from MIL and Capt. Olsen, US Navy retired, Thank You,
Daniel, and great job! Thank you, Keith, for your outstanding support to Mrs. Sandow,
the Copyright Office, and MIL. Job well done!
winter 2018 | The MIL Connection | 9