Page 3 - The MIL Connection: Winter 2022
P. 3

company news

        Charleston Lowcountry Boil

        On November 5th, with the Autumn sun shining bright, MIL’s   work and getting to see those same friends enjoying time and
        Charleston staff had a good, old-fashioned Low Country Boil   fun with their families. 
        at Cypress Hall in Wannmaker Park.  
                                                               The Charleston crew also used the event as an opportunity
        Ingredient number one of a low country boil is delicious   to give back to the community as well, with overflowing bins
        southern food. This year’s inaugural Boil, catered by Hamby’s,   full of donations for Lowcountry Orphan relief, The Fisher
        featured shrimp (which was amazing) and cornbread (wow!).   House, and The Ronald McDonald House. An Employee
        Attendees also enjoyed BBQ and vegetarian lasagna and Holy   of the Month award was also bestowed to Billy New.
        Rolly’s truly amazing hand-rolled ice cream. Yum!      Congratulations, Billy, on the well-deserved recognition.  

        Since low country boils are a family event, there were kid-  Thanks to everyone whose hard work, time, and commitment
        friendly activities like face painting, balloon animals, and the   made this event possible. We greatly appreciate your efforts.
        always popular bouncy castle; an impromptu kickball game   Thanks also to everyone that came out and enjoyed the local
        even broke out for some high energy fun. Not to be outdone,   food, fun, and fellowship. If you didn’t get a chance to attend
        DJ Drew spun some favorite tunes to keep adult toes tapping.   this year’s party, enjoy the photos, and we hope to see you
        Arguably, the best part of the event—aside from the shrimp!—  there in 2023!  
        was having the chance to connect with teammates outside of

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