Page 5 - The MIL Connection: Winter 2022
P. 5

Enjoying holiday cheer

        REPS Sector team members shared a bit of holiday cheer at a recent luncheon to celebrate the season and recognize the
        achievements of several of its Southern Maryland team members. Four members of the REPS group (Charity Higgs, Calvin
        Brown, Justin Crupper, and Betsy Channell) received certificates of achievement from head elf Tom Clark for successfully
        completing MILTON online training courses.
        Congratulations to all!

                                                                                       employee stories

        Setting healthy work boundaries in any environment

        By Dr. Sadie S. Davis

        It’s hard to believe the shock we all endured through the   points so that you can end your workday. If you need the hard
        pandemic. Thinking back two years ago, who could have   reset of “walking away,” do just that. Rise from your telework
        predicted that most organizations would need to quickly   desk and physically walk away when your workday is over.
        adapt to a telework environment, and then have to decide   What is expected/for how long/can you make it? Many
        whether to continue with full telework or adapt to a hybrid   organizations have a busy season that requires extra hours,
        work environment. You’d think that this adaptation is leading   and MIL is no different. As the saying goes, “you can’t pour
        more individuals to realize the true importance of a work life   from an empty cup.” During times where extra work hours are
        balance and mental health. But is it really? This will not be   needed, make sure you take periodic breaks.
        a “10-steps to creating a work life balance” read, but rather
        focus on the importance of setting workplace boundaries in a   In this relationship, what is your dealbreaker? There are
        telework or hybrid work environment.                   times when being a team player for work takes priority. Just
        We love our colleagues, our work, and work environment, and   like your life can be a distraction to your work, your work
                                                               can be a distraction from your life. When you love your work
        when you take pride in your work and work family, you want   and work where you love, you are in it for the long-term.
        them to be as successful as possible. Sometimes that can cause   Remembering to communicate to protect your physical and
        us to blur the lines of our work-life balance. Wherever you are   mental health will help you stay happy right where you are.
        and whatever it is that you do, your dedication is appreciated.   It will also help your leadership be aware of how you, and
        However, we care about your physical and mental health   others, are feeling and
        outside of work as well. We encourage employees to use paid   can advocate for changes
        time off to recharge and be the best version of you for work   and support if needed. It’s
        and home. One way to do this is to set boundaries. But what   important to set agreed
        does that mean in a telework environment when you’re not   upon boundaries with
        physically getting up and walking into or out of a building   leadership but remember
        every day?                                             the hardest person to

        Stand up and walk away. The first step is to set boundaries   set boundaries for in a
        with and for yourself. You have a work schedule, start and end   telework environment may
        times, so stick to those hours—you owe that much to yourself.   be yourself.
        If you find it hard to do, set a reminder to look for stopping
                                                                           winter 2022  | the MIL connection | 5
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