Page 9 - The MIL Connection: Winter 2022
P. 9
Case study/ Charleston’s Post Support Unit Data Management Challenge
Challenge. Charleston’s Post Support Unit (PSU) represents a unique model of organization within the U.S. Department of
State. With four distinct geographical locations and a multi-cultural structure, PSU is responsible for processing approximately
45% of total vouchers for 180 embassies around the world. PSU maintains high standards of quality and is ISO 9001:2015
certified. Given these statistics, it is understandable why working in sync on a 24-hour schedule, sharing the same resources,
and applying the same level of quality standards is a real challenge.
The PSU staff located in Manila, Bangkok, Sofia, and Charleston were looking for:
» A central hub to access daily to find with ease the » An interface to maintain PSU’s personnel and/or
resources they frequently use organizational chart
» Access to different types of reports and features based » Reporting capabilities and other features such as
on each level of hierarchy in the PSU organization automations to facilitate report maintenance and data
» Reports that are interactive, with users having access management
to various filtering and data search and drill down » A multi-platform solution, which means it works on
capabilities Windows/Mac computers, tablets, and mobile phones
» A cloud-based solution, accessible by all 200+ personnel » A great user experience, available 24/7
at the same time with different levels of access » A solution that could be accessed without having to
remember or save any link or bookmark
Solution. PSU improves, innovates, and creates solutions decisions regarding necessity of overtime or other measures
driven by a supportive management team who understands based on this data. With the combination of Power Automate
that informed data decisions are key for success. For and Power BI, PSU staff can view the level of vouchers’ on-
this reason, all technology and data initiatives are highly hold status sorted by either PSU location, number of days,
encouraged. Microsoft 365 is a great resource available to assigned voucher examiner, and more.
all U.S. Department of State employees. Through all the
PSU Certifying Officers have access to an automated
applications, Power BI, Power Automate and Power Apps
reconciliation between certified vouchers in two different
are the applications PSU selected to build the solution to
systems. Because of the volume of vouchers each Certifying
this challenge. Power App offers the capability of creating
Officer certifies each day, this process was taking so much
an application that is multi-platform with enhanced levels
precious time to check and reconcile long lists of vouchers in
of security, cloud based, and customizable to create multiple
each system.
views for each role in the PSU organization. It integrates
Power Automate connectors that run specific automations
based on a user’s action. This is the solution for maintaining
data in SharePoint folders.
Power BI provides the reporting side. Reports built with this
software are embedded within the Power App and are very
interactive. Users can filter data by different criteria, and
search by keywords
Benefit. The application, now in use, was named the PSU
GO app. Users are thrilled that they never have to remember
how to find different resources or spend time navigating
back and forth to access the most used software. PSU Go is
highly customized and includes a friendly splash screen that Voucher examiners have a similar type of reconciliation for a
welcomes the user based on their first name or nickname. A very problematic category of vouchers. By using this app, PSU
random “word of wisdom” or funny motto is displayed to make reduced the number of errors, the time each voucher examiner
the user’s experience more pleasant. The app recognizes if the spent reconciling, allowing them to focus on auditing
user should be congratulated for their birthday and various vouchers.
related screens are displayed only for that user. The app works Report maintenance has never been easier. With integrated
on four different time-zones. Other important announcements automated flows now with a simple drag-n-drop feature,
for the general audience or specific groups can be presented on a file gets uploaded to SharePoint, renamed to align to the
the splash screen. database structure, and the associated report gets refreshed.
Once in the main screen, users may view resources only This instant and controlled process replaces so many manual
approved for their level of access. This includes reporting steps necessary to manipulate files and eliminates potential
where managers have access to more sensitive data. There are user errors. This application is accessible on all approved U.S.
also shared resources over the entire PSU or specific ones only Department of State devices and PSU management loves the
visible to certain users. The PSU GO app displays the main fact that data in this app can be accessed while on travel using
PSU voucher queues where managers can make immediate a mobile phone as easy as it is in the office.