Page 13 - The MIL Connection: Winter 2022
P. 13
When all else fails
After a power outage on October 7th, the network equipment supporting the Library of
Congress Federal Credit Union (FCU) failed. The credit union had all but been told that the
issue wasn’t going to be fixed until October 11th when staff returned from the long weekend.
Kenny Scott, an MIL Network Administration Senior Analyst, returned to the LOC to begin
locating hardware that could be used to provide a temporary solution that would re-enable the
credit union’s online services. Kenny was able to find a backup of the hardware configuration,
and by 11:30 PM on Friday, completed the temporary restoration of service. The credit union
was able to provide normal online operations to its customers over the weekend because of
Kenny’s efforts.
As the FCU’s Information Systems Administrator noted “He came through twice. First for
coming in on Friday evening of a 3-day weekend to work on this switch replacement. Second
for having the backup of the switch configuration on his laptop from the many power outage
backups he did. Thank you again Kenny.”
Well done, Kenny!
employees of the month
September 2022: Raz Badea
Raz Badea works as a Business Analysis, Senior Associate manually activated by users. One is the Customer Satisfaction
at the Department of State’s Post Support Unit (PSU) in Survey flow, which is activated by each new survey submitted
Charleston, SC. Raz is a Microsoft Certified Data Analyst by PSU customers. It parses the response, collects and stores
Associate and uses his data analytic skills to benefit PSU. Raz’s key information, sends emails, and refreshes data for the
federal government manager states, “I have only the highest PSU Customer Satisfaction Survey Power BI report. The flow
praise for Raz. He performs above and beyond expectations. decides to either send a customized ‘kudos’ email for great
He has great knowledge for automating and using tools reviews to PSU management, an alert email for a negative
available to streamline our processes. He is willing to share review, or no email for average reviews. This automation
all that he knows and has trained many people within PSU, in helps PSU management to immediately get notified and take
Charleston and overseas locations.” For example, Raz created informed actions.
a PSU dashboard, built in excel and housed in SharePoint,
Raz’s federal government manager raves about Raz’s
which has thousands of views from all PSU customers around
expertise. She states, “Raz is considered a subject matter
the world. It is the main source of information for the number
expert in Microsoft Power platforms and provides incredible
of vouchers and fiscal strip lines that PSU processes for posts.
dashboards and analytics for PSU. He is often commended
It has various analytics features like month over month and
for his development and contacted for his expertise. I don’t
year over year comparisons, post ranking, and forecasts. It
think anyone else would be able to produce the amount of
holds 13 years of data.
information with such a professional presentation as quickly
Another dashboard developed by Raz is the PSU Consultation and efficiently as Raz.”
Dashboard, which is an internal tool used by PSU
Many thanks for a job well done, Raz!
management to analyze posts from various perspectives.
This dashboard is comprised of eight different reports (each
could be categorized as a dashboard) in Power BI. It is used
in consultations with the Financial Management Officers
to provide data insights before going to next assignments or
while at post.
Raz has also built automations using Power Automate. PSU
has 24 active automatic flows that run around the clock. They
are either triggered by an event (like watching mailboxes,
form submissions, etc.) scheduled to run at specific times or
winter 2022 | the MIL connection | 13