Page 16 - The MIL Connection: Winter 2022
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MILTON training online
Happy 2023 – Cheers to new beginnings!
MILTON (MIL Training Online) was developed as a means of helping employees grow professionally and personally. The 2023
training year has begun and runs until the end of the year.
With Skillsoft Percipio, you have access to courses, videos, books, audiobooks, practice labs, and assessments purpose-built
to help you succeed in today’s ever-changing digital world. Topics include leadership, compliance, and technology and
development training. You can choose to learn exactly what you want in ways that make sense for you, your schedule, and your
style. Fit professional development into your life with micro-learning videos and a convenient learning app. Master new tech
and development skills with an unparalleled content collection including boot camps and practice labs.
Kimberly Yost and Scott Allen - 2022 Co-Scholar Award Winners
Congratulations to Kimberly and Scott, co-recipients of The Training Awards Program is three-tiered and allows
the 2022 Scholar Award! The prolific training colleagues employees to reap the benefits of their efforts on various
completed more courses than any other employees last year. levels. The three awards programs include the Honor Roll
Kimberly, located at the MIL Integration Facility, Lexington Award for 15 completed courses ($50), Dean’s List Award for
Park, MD, completed 434. Scott, located at the Department 30 completed courses ($100), and The MIL Scholar Award for
of State in South Carolina, completed 260 courses. completing the most courses within a year at MIL (surprise
Kimberly, an Engineering Technician, has received this gift!). MILTON awards are presented in the form of cash
award in 2018, 2020, 2021, and 2022! She has an Associate bonuses paid via payroll. The Honor Roll and Dean’s List
Degree in Information Technology from The College of Awards are presented only once. The Scholar Award may be
Southern Maryland. She has been working in the AV awarded multiple times. Employees must be employed for six
installation field since she joined MIL in 2009. Previously, months before becoming considered eligible for an award.
she worked in the radio communications installation field. Recent Honor Roll and Dean’s List Award winners.
She enjoys doing cross stitch and hanging out with her dogs
Spunky and Sparky. “MILTON classes are a great way to Calvin Brown Kayla Jackson
explore different subjects without having to pay for them.
You can take refresher courses or learn a whole new subject Jwan Miller Irvin Carty
matter. Either way, MILTON is worth the time.” Angelia Scott Steven Padilla
Scott is a Senior Technical Process Analysts who joined
the MIL family in February 2022. He holds a Bachelor of Keilaskumary Nazario Allison Wilson-Lubonski
Science in Hospitality Business Management from the Courtney Brown Laureano Pabello
University of Massachusetts - Amherst. Prior to joining
MIL, he worked as an IT Infrastructure Project Manager Sadie Davis Damian Johnston
overseeing the installation of the IT/OT system associated
with the construction of a new 1.5 million sq ft state-of- Adam Russell Charity Higgs
the-art brewing and packaging facility. Previously, he Betsy Channell Samantha Spry
spearheaded the upgrade of the communications system
and installation of fiber redundancy or South Carolina's Jason (Adam) Burton Justin Crupper
2nd largest school district to a cloud based VOIP solution.
He has a passion for process improvement and is currently Esha Bristol Benedict Bautista
pursuing certification as a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Hasan Al Khayyat Scott Allen
Belt. When not at work, Scott enjoys spending time with
his family and four dogs (they are little ones!) and taking Anissa Green
an occasional cruise every now and again. "I was amazed
at the course selection and audiobooks available through
MILTON. I found courses available that were a valuable
addition to my continuing pursuit of project management
and process improvement knowledge, as well as additional
topics of interest that I can further explore."
16 | the MIL connection | winter 2022