Page 2 - The Leadership Line: March 2021
P. 2

Manager’s Guidance:

        How to model respect within our teams

                         I respect my colleagues.

                            » I respect my colleagues who differ by gender, race, religion, culture, national origin, mental and
                            physical abilities, and will interact with them under the highest standards of professional conduct.

                            » I understand that every member of the MIL family makes important contributions, regardless of job,
                            role, or title.
                            » I recognize and celebrate our diverse community and will work to broaden my knowledge of the
                            cultures that represent the MIL family.
                            » I know that MIL empathizes with all people - empathy is the root of kindness, compassion, under-
                            standing, and respect.

        Here are some ways you can create a respectful environment for your team:

        I respect my colleagues who differ by gender, race,       I understand that every member of the MIL family makes
        religion, culture, national origin, mental and physical   important contributions, regardless of job, role, or title.
        abilities, and will interact with them under the highest
        standards of professional conduct.                           Treat all your team members equally whether they are
                                                                     the most junior team member or your right-hand per-
            In a team meeting, listen and encourage all opinions.    son.  Do you know that the person who knows the least
            Seek out opinions from those that might not get a        about a process often has exceptional insight because he
            chance to speak up.  Some confident team members         or she isn’t in the trenches of the process which some-
            will unconsciously dominate a meeting.  Make space       times causes us to put blinders on?
            for everyone to contribute.  If a team member is often
            silent in meetings, try asking for his or her input later   Show respect through feedback. Feedback is an excel-
            in a one-on-one conversation or through email. Respect   lent opportunity to show employees they’re valued for
            each team member by allowing them to contribute in       their strengths and to offer supportive guidance to help
            the way most comfortable for themselves.                 them grow.  Positive feedback should outweigh con-
                                                                     structive feedback by 8 to 1.  Take every opportunity to
                                                                     point out what your team member is doing well.  Rec-
                                                                     ognize and encourage positive behaviors. “Catch” them
                                                                     doing something right. Be their cheerleader and support
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