Page 5 - The Leadership Line: March 2021
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Health & Benefits Offering:
EAP Spotlight & 401k
Managers are typically one of the best referral resources for the EAP, and employees may
come to you looking for advice or direction. As a manager, you want to assist employees
with issues that arise in the workplace. In order to do this, you can utilize the EAP as a
resource for you and your employees. For almost any issue that an employee is struggling
with, EAP can offer a resource to help. You can offer your concern and assist the employee
in making connections to the EAP. Promoting the EAP as a company-sponsored benefit is
good for MIL and our employees.
Let’s face it, balancing your work and home life is not easy. With WorkLifeMatters, your
confidential employee assistance program, you don’t have to face life challenges alone.
WorkLifeMatters provides guidance for personal issues that you might be facing and
information about other concerns that affect your life.
Support is just a phone call or a click away:
» Unlimited free telephonic consultation with EAP counselor
available 24/7 at 800-386-7055
» Referrals to local counselors- up to three sessions free of charge.
» State of the art website featuring over 3,400 helpful articles and
topics like wellness, training courses, and a legal and financial
» Username: Matters
» Password wlm70101
Register to learn more:
MIL 401(k) Webinar