Page 3 - The Leadership Line: May 2022
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they stretch beyond their previous roles. Perhaps stellar technical skills helped you get
a promotion to team lead, but in a managerial role you’ll be relying much more heavily
on interpersonal communication skills. Similarly, if you are too narrowly focused on
results, you may lose sight of the fact that your ability to affect change is depends on
relationships and networks. As you continue your journey, it is just as important to
practice self-love. While you’re building your manager style, be conscious and nurturing
of the things that renew you and build your energy. Make sure to specifically address
the basics: diet and exercise, strong relationships, and personal time.
When we see ourselves clearly, we can become more confident and more creative.
We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more
effectively, making us more effective leaders with more satisfied employees. Leaders
who focus on building both internal and external self-awareness, who seek honest
feedback from their peers, and who ask what instead of why can learn to see themselves
more clearly – and reap the rewards that increased self-knowledge delivers.
According to a Gallop poll, 88 percent of highly engaged team members feel
appreciated compared to only 13 percent of unengaged team members. Feeling
appreciated and valued lifts you up and creates loyalty. Make it a priority to notice
what your team members are doing right. What behaviors and attitudes do you take
for granted from your team member who always brings positivity or creativity to
each meeting? What characteristic makes the client seek out a certain team member
over and over? Recognize and take the time to tell that team member how much you
appreciate his or her ability to look outside the box for a creative solution. Be specific
to help reinforce that behavior and to ensure the team member knows you recognize
and value their contributions.
Below are several ways to show appreciation Practice appreciation with yourself:
to others: » Take a few minutes at the end of each day and ask,
» Create a random compliment wall at work where “what did I do well today? What do I feel proud of?”
people can leave sticky notes with compliments » Focus on not only giving appreciation but also
» Surprise a team member with their favorite coffee accepting it
drink in the morning » Be mindful to simply receive a compliment and
» Leave candy on a co-worker’s desk with a note of internalize it for a moment to better understand the
thanks impact you had on someone else.
» Ask a team member to join a meeting and share
their thoughts on a topic they typically don’t have an
opportunity to collaborate on
» At the end of a particularly stressful week or at the
end of a project milestone, enjoy a relaxing lunch
with a colleague