Page 2 - The Leadership Line: May 2021
P. 2

Managment & Communication

                         I communicate effectively.

                            » I conduct myself professionally through both verbal and written (e.g., email) communication.
                            » I refrain from negativity and seek to find solutions to challenges.
                            » I recognize that body language and tone are important parts of communication.
                            » I am available during business hours and respond promptly to all inquiries.

                         No one is born an effective communicator; just as it takes us time to develop our understanding and
                         use of language, it takes time to refine our skills as efficient communicators.

        Manager’s Guidance:

        Leadership through Conflict

        I refrain from negativity and seek to find solutions to challenges.

        Teamwork is easy when members get along, but when a    team members, decreased productivity and performance,
        conflict arises or miscommunication occurs, things can turn  and unprofessional behavior.  Welcome good conflict as a
        ugly. Embracing respectful communication during tough   way to improve.  Resolve bad conflict quickly but without
        interpersonal interactions demonstrates your ability to self-  blame or negativity.  Demonstrate solutions-oriented
        manage and contributes to more healthy and productive   leadership.
                                                               Conflict can be any type of disagreement between
        As supervisors, we all know the importance of effective   employees and can vary between something minor to an
        communication and we probably communicate well for the   emotional argument or even hostile situation where both
        most part.  Communication can be tricky however, when   parties feel very passionate about the outcome.  The cause
        conflict is present.  Leading through conflict is a vital skill   of the conflict could be stress from work deliverables,
        and one of the most difficult to master as a supervisor.    poor communication, personality conflicts, team conflict
                                                               over the work in general, lack of resources / support, etc.
        The first thing to keep in mind is that conflict can be   Understanding the cause of the conflict is not always easily
        good and bad.  Good conflict can be a catalyst for positive   identified.  The steps below will help you determine the root
        change – new ideas, opportunities for growth, improved   cause and work toward a positive solution.
        performance.  On the other hand, bad conflict can break
        down a team causing a decrease in morale and trust among
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