Page 3 - The Leadership Line: May 2021
P. 3
Six steps to help resolve conflict in a positive manner:
1 Define the problem. Different opinions may complicate the ability to clearly define the issue. Different team members
may be competitive in pushing forward their ideas. Your job is to listen, weed through the chaos, and peel back the
layers until you have the uncovered the root problem.
2 Gather data. Do you have data to support/explain the issue? Use concrete data when you can. It is hard to argue with
numbers. Data is not personal and is often easier for people to come to agreement on rather than opinions.
3 Analyze the data. What is the data telling you? This is an opportunity for your team to collaborate and work together.
4 Choose the best solution. There may be several different solutions for the team to consider. A high performing team
is aligned with the same goals and commitments and values the team’s overall success above their own personal suc-
cess, but they also recognize that the success of the group is based on everyone’s contribution. Each person feels their
contribution is important and valued. This is important especially when a team member is struggling with the group
not selecting their suggestion to resolve the issue. This is often where you see the most growth across the team.
5 Implement the solution. If the solution is a “win-win”, everyone will be happy. Most often though, you will have a
win-lose situation (someone’s idea is moved forward, the other ideas are not) which could result in a power struggle.
Be ready to address any negative or passive aggressive behavior immediately before it affects team morale.
6 Continue to refine the solution so the problem does not recur. It is important to truly resolve the conflict and not
avoid it or artificially compromise to avoid (temporarily)further conflict. You do not want the same conflict to show
up again if possible.
You spend most of your time communicating either verbally or non-verbally and conflict within your team is
unavoidable. Don’t be afraid of conflict. Recognize the ability you have to grow from the experience and the positive
climate you will create for your team. Your ability to rise above negativity and focus on resolving the issue will set a
precedent for how your team members resolve conflict in the future.
HR Highlight
Julissa Sanabria
Julissa joined MIL on April 12, 2021 as the HR Partner for Southern Maryland. Her HR
experience spans from substance abuse, healthcare, and non-profit for the last 20 years. Julissa
was born in New York and is fluent in Spanish as her first language. Diversity and opportunity
are something that Julissa strongly believes in. She believes her purpose is to serve others and
does it with respect, dignity, and value. Building relationships that build bridges. Although
she is passionate about HR, she is not all work. She moved to SOMD to be near her three
granddaughters and enjoys traveling, cooking her favorite Puerto Rican dishes, and refinishing
furniture. “I am very delighted to join MIL and although joining during COVID can be
challenging as a new employee, I look forward to connecting and putting a name with a face”.