Page 4 - The MILConnection Spring 2022
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Celebrating Black History Month

        In 1977, Larry Hollingsworth graduated from George
        Washington University with a degree in Engineering.
        Within a year of graduation, he joined the Naval Air Systems
        Command (NAVAIR) and entered their Engineering Scientist
        Development Program where he participated in six-month
        rotations throughout NAVAIR’s Avionics Division’s four
        Branches. At the young age of 23, he thought of his career
        in very broad strokes—and began to challenge himself with
        the idea of “what would it feel like to HEAD the Avionics
        division?” The Avionics Division would in later years become
        the Avionics Department, NAVAIR’s largest, most impactful
        Well, by 1996, he found out. With zero military experience,
        Larry had to learn every aspect of Naval Aviation as he   one being watched. His efforts led to Combatant Commanders
        climbed the ranks as a civilian. While he credits his insatiable   reaching out to the Secretary of Defense, asking for the
        appetite for learning and asking questions from everyone   support of Larry’s teams to execute mission critical Joint
        around him, he also knows his spiritual faith played a large   Urgent Operational Needs Statements (JUONs), whereby
        part in his success and the opportunities that were presented   they were able to execute as many as 11 at one time! The
        to him. He knew he wanted to make a difference, not just a   technology connected teams and services across DoD and
        paycheck.                                              federal law enforcement agencies, earning Larry the respect
        As America dealt with the reality of 9/11, Larry and his team   and confidence of key leaders from Secretary of Defense Leon
        ramped up their efforts to ensure NAVAIR’s Avionics team   Panetta; SEC NAV, CNO, various Congressmen, and admirals
        was ready for the fight ahead. Not only did Larry and his team   and senior officials across the DoD enterprise.
        get ready, but they also redefined how America responded   Larry’s key advice to young African Americans starting out
        to the efforts of irregular warfare and were able to push our   on their own journey is to ask as many questions as needed
        Nation’s military capabilities to respond to the US response to   to learn and grow, but never let other people’s beliefs about
        the Global War on Terror. Among the many solutions he and   skin color prevent you from getting the answers you need. You
        his team provided are the unmanned aerial vehicles equipped   must put color aside in your own mind; let it be their problem
        with sensors used to track enemy players and protect troops   to contend with, and don’t let their actions decide your success
        from unseen dangers and combatants. The technology he   for you. By preparing, learning, and then preparing more—
        spearheaded redefined the “see something” approach (to   Larry, claims that WHEN opportunities arise (and they will)—
        enemy activity) to “watch something” to identify patterns,   you’ll be ready to step up and step in!
        movements, behaviors, and other players connected to the

        Sonya Holland is a Senior Assistant Vice President for
        MIL and the Deputy Project Manager and Level II Help
        Desk Manager for our FAA customer. While originally from
        Hampton, VA, Sonya’s family moved to Frankfurt, Germany
        when she was still in school, and she realized her love of
        traveling and living abroad. Sonya credits her early exposure to
        different cultures and languages with her ability to recognize
        opportunities for growth and helped her challenge herself to
        evolve. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree from Old
        Dominion University, she worked as a branch manager for a
        home savings and loan business. From there she transitioned
        to the VA State Tax department and although she enjoyed the
        work of processing taxes, one day she saw an individual’s W-2
        where the person had to “draw” an additional box next to the   Dominion. After graduation, she interviewed with Coopers &
        income space because the salary was so high. She instantly   Lybrand, and when the interviewer addressed her in German,
        wanted to know what this person did for a living knowing that   she replied in German, and was hired on the spot! While at
        would be her next transition in life.                   C&L, she initially supported the Department of the Navy as a
        At the time, Virginia was offering “early out” programs for   developer and was promoted to a technical functional liaison
        government employees, which included a separation bonus.   team lead. She later served as a database administrator and
        Sonya used the separation bonus to earn an MBA from Old   programmer working with NASA in Huntsville, AL.
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