Page 9 - The MILConnection Spring 2022
P. 9

Earning a black belt in quality

                           MIL is pleased to announce that on   Control (ASQ), a Six Sigma black belt denotes an individual
                           February 12th, MIL team member       is prepared to lead problem-solving projects and to train and
                           Jeff Suhanick, a Senior AVP and      coach project teams.
                           Operations Manager at NIST, received
                                                                With the skills developed through Six Sigma, Jeff is better able
                           a Six Sigma Black Belt in Government
                                                                to analyze, develop, and improve client operations. Six Sigma’s
                           certification from the Avent Business
                                                                different techniques help establish a model for continual
                           Institute. Jeff’s certification denotes
                                                                improvement of the products and services MIL provides. These
                           his proficiency in the Council for Six
                                                                enhancements help result in uniform and consistent processes
                           Sigma’s curriculum—the Council is the
                                                                (which results in time and cost savings to the client), a greater
        organization that establishes official industry standards for Six
                                                                quality of deliverables (less defects), and a higher level of
        Sigma accreditation.
                                                                customer satisfaction (and happy customers always return for
        If you’re asking yourself, what exactly is Six Sigma? The   more!) The actual certification and training help Jeff to foster a
        Council for Six Sigma defines it as a set of “business tools,   culture for improvement and shows current and potential new
        statistical theory, and quality control knowledge that helps   customers that he is dedicated to that effort.
        improve your business procedures,” with the goal to eliminate
                                                                Congratulations to Jeff for achieving this milestone
        “inconsistency, waste, and defects that challenge customer
        loyalty.” And according to the American Society for Quality


        At MIL, we offer each team member an individualized career path to professional growth and development within the company.
        This year, we recognize the achievements of a number of highly accomplished staff members. We are pleased to announce the
        following promotions:

                  Corporate – Recruiting                                    Global Financial Services - DC

        Isabelle Ardelean is promoted to Assistant Vice President.   Alex LaPiana is promoted to Quality Assurance, Associate.
        Isabelle recently celebrated her fifth anniversary with MIL.   Upon joining the U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic
        Initially hired as a Sourcer to MIL’s Recruiting team, Isabelle   Security (DS) project, Alex was a key asset supporting DS
        was rapidly promoted to Recruiter where she primarily   Reimbursements. Alex took the opportunity to learn more
        supported DC/MD/VA project teams. Over the subsequent   about the client and their business processes, earning the trust
        years, Isabelle has demonstrated her leadership acumen,   of the client very quickly. He was than able to take his skill
        expanding her support to all business areas as recruiting   sets and apply them to the reporting team, quickly showing
        needs expanded. Isabelle’s promotion to AVP provides her   he could once again provide the high level support the client
        the opportunity to lead MIL’s recruiting team to exceptional   was looking for. In the short amount time he has been on the
        service for all project teams through extensive collaboration.    DS project, he has proven himself time and time again taking
                                                               on more responsibilities. Alex has also been instrumental
                                                               in supporting MIL team leads so they can focus on more
                  Federal Financial Services                   functional leadership, while he continues to support the
                                                               reporting team and other technologies.
                                                               Benjamin Bejune is promoted to Grants Analysis, Analyst.
        Joyce Tavares is promoted to Financial Consulting, Analyst.   Ben joined MIL in 2020 as a Grants Analysis, Junior Analyst
        Joyce joined MIL full-time in 2020, after serving as a summer   supporting the State Department’s Bureau of Population,
        intern in 2019. After joining our financial system testing team   Refugees, and Migration, Office of the Comptroller. Ben
        supporting the Legislative Branch, Joyce quickly became a key   understands the closeout process and its importance to the
        resource for the client. She has taken on testing responsibilities   Bureau, and he does an excellent job of following up. Being
        for core aspects of the financial system and identified multiple   the most senior (timewise), Ben assists other members of
        issues to be addressed by the vendor. Her initiative and   the team, explaining issues that he has already dealt with or
        preparation have demonstrated the ability to deliver results
        and insights for our client.                                       winter 2022  | the MIL connection | 9
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