Page 10 - The MILConnection Spring 2022
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reinforcing initial training. He also took over management of   Carnisia Proctor is promoted to Assistant Vice President.
        the monthly updates to the closeout log and reporting progress  Carnisia joined MIL in 2019 to lead a new project at the
        during staff and weekly closeout update.               Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) within
        Veneice Dunmeyer is promoted to Financial Analyst,     the Department of State. She came highly recommended
        Team Lead. Veneice joined MIL in 2005 and has extensive   from the client and with an existing strong client relationship.
        experience in finance and accounting. She has used these   Carnisia and her team made an immediate impact and have
        skills to work in several areas within the Department of State   continued great work during her tenure. PRM has rewarded
        from a financial perspective. She started in the Charleston   Carnisia and her team’s hard work by continually providing
        Financial Center and then moved to Washington to work   growth opportunities. The project has grown from a team of
        for the Data Mining and Integrity Group in the Bureau of   five to a team of 19 in under three years! This is very much
        the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, where she   due to Carnisia’s efforts and excellent management skills.
        worked primarily on monthly GTAS submissions and related   Cindy Rugbart is promoted to Systems Administration,
        data mining and cleansing. She subsequently moved to the   Manager. Cindy joined MIL in 2018 as a member of the
        Global Financial Systems Support group as a member of the   Security team in the Global Financial Systems Support group
        Transaction Definition team where she has worked through   within the Department of State. Cindy has experience working
        several complicated financial reporting needs to create and   with the Department in prior roles and came to MIL at the
        test system posting logic. Veneice will move into managing   referral of our DoS client. Cindy made an immediate impact
        this team in her new role.                             on the Security team and received accolades from both the
        Joshua Ginsburg is promoted to Systems Engineering,    client and her MIL supervisor. She was moved into the team
        Manager. Josh joined MIL in 2014 as a technical member of   lead role in the past year and is focusing on organizing the
        our DC-based IV&V testing team. He is an integral part of   team’s heavy workload while looking for efficiencies.
        the team and the go-to person for difficult technical issues.   Susie Yoo is promoted to Business Analysis, Senior Analyst.
        Josh assisted with the Approva software implementation and   Susie joined MIL in 2019 as a member of the Travel team
        ATO initiative and was a direct resource to the Department   in the Global Financial Systems Support group within
        Comptroller for reporting for several years. Josh is taking on   Department of State. Susie made an immediate impact on
        the responsibility of managing our automated testing initiative  the Travel team and has shown exemplary performance,
        and resources and our DC-based DevNet support tasks. Josh   especially with the volatile travel environment introduced by
        learned UiPath, which is our new automated testing approach,   COVID. The team was decreased in size and Susie has taken
        and will continue to grow that initiative as it is a high client   on leadership activities such as communicating with the team
        priority.                                              on daily tasks, planning schedules, and submitting daily and
        Baba Janneh is promoted to Budget Analysis, Team Lead.   weekly reports. She has also assisted the team in keeping
        Baba joined MIL in 2019 as a Budget Analyst supporting   up with travel tickets and issues as the travel volume has
        the State Department’s Bureau of Population Refugee and   fluctuated during the pandemic.
        Migration, Office of Policy and Resource Planning. Baba has
        exhibited an outstanding level of performance on his portfolio.
        Demonstrating fluency in the operations of the Bureau, Baba
        has deftly taken on coverage for numerous regional portfolios         Global Financial Services - Charleston
        during the year with minimal guidance from his supervisors.
        Baba clearly understands the work of the Bureau and has
        taken on responsibilities of increasing complexity over the
        year, moving from budget/financial analysis to contributing   Razvan Badea is promoted Business Analysis, Senior
        to the management/administration of Bureau processes,   Associate. Raz has supported the Department of State for
        including more tasks related to budget formulation, under the   15 years. He’s been a member of our team with the CGFS
        guidance of his supervisors.                           Post Support Unit (PSU) for the past five years, where he’s
                                                               been instrumental in strengthening operations, improving
        Cassie Le is promoted to Program Analysis, Team Lead.   productivity, and increasing the efficiency and accuracy of
        Cassie recently joined MIL as a Program Analysis, Senior   the PSU globally. He has successfully led business process
        Analyst supporting the State Department’s Bureau of    improvement initiatives, turning manual intensive tasks
        Population, Refugees, and Migration in the Office of Refugee   into fully automated processes, such as customer satisfaction
        Admissions. Even though Cassie has only been with MIL for   surveys and key metrics development. As a certified Microsoft
        a short period, she comes with over three years of experience   Data Analyst, a certified Six Sigma Green Belt, and an expert
        with DoS. Cassie interfaces closely with resettlement agencies,   in Microsoft Power Platform, Raz has added consistent value
        congressional offices, and state and local governments   to our client relationships by applying his expertise to complex
        to ensure that refugees are well-positioned to succeed   analytics and reporting to simplify and build efficiency into
        in American communities. Cassie supports the program   our client’s mission.
        design and implementation of the Afghan Placement and
        Assistance program in coordination with field operations staff,
        interagency partners, and the private sector.

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