Page 12 - The MILConnection Spring 2022
P. 12

Shaun Parvin is promoted to Engineering, Aide III. Shaun   Alex Peska is promoted to Engineering, Senior Analyst.
        joined MIL in 2020 and was instrumental in providing support   Alex serves as a programmer within the Audio/Visual (A/V)
        to the NCR MCV HF radio communications effort and the   Engineering team. He joined MIL in 2020 and has been
        FOSOV GMV integration efforts, where he served as the Test   instrumental in expanding REPS capabilities in programming
        and Verification lead. Shaun will be moving into the Systems   of new A/V technologies. His presence has helped REPS
        Engineering team where he will provide design, development,   become a leading provider for critical A/V control code for
        and testing support for multiple communication system   communication systems supporting multiple classification
        projects. His support will be key to the design, development,   levels. Alex will continue his outstanding support as REPS
        and deployment of the SOCOM Broadcast Dissemination    assumes the lead for the programming for the C4NAV FIPS
        Platform Family of Systems.                            families of A/V solutions.
        George Pearl is promoted to Engineering, Technician V.   Congratulations to all those team members earning
        George spent the last two years supporting the Outside Cable   promotions this year! We are grateful for your commitment
        Plant project at the Naval Support Facility in Thurmont,   to your work, responsiveness to our clients, and contributions
        MD, otherwise known as Camp David. George leverages his   to your teams and team members. Through your hard work
        40 years of telecommunications experience to lead the field   and dedication, we are able to continue to build on MIL’s
        team installing, terminating, and testing copper and fiber   reputation for delivering world-class support services to our
        optic cables. He oversaw the installation of thousands of feet   federal clients, while continuing to advance and grow the
        of copper cables and is guiding the team into the fiber cable   company.
        phase of the project. George has recently taken on additional
        project responsibilities, including contributions to the outside           Share your news!
        plant design, scheduling, and reporting. He is a consummate
        team player and always maintains a pleasant and optimistic                 E-mail us at:
        attitude. George’s hard work, attention to detail, and
        leadership enable continued success on this critical project for           with employee achievements and
        an important sponsor.                                                      announcements!

        Annual Awards Ceremony and Celebration

        On Saturday January 29th, MIL D.C. area employees and their
        guests gathered for a night full of dancing, celebrating, and
        mysteries at our Annual Awards Ceremony and Celebration,
        held this year at the International Spy Museum. We were
        delighted to see a turnout of well over 200 employees and
        their guests, who enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate our
        award recipients in person once again. Check out some photos
        of the event, available here.
        We hope to see you at our Crab Feast on May 1, 2022!

        10 Years:                   15 Years:

        Gregory Agostinelli         Richard Chesser
        Christine Curran            Thomas Clark
        Michael Floresca            Catherine Jenkins
        Alexander Eng               David Larson
        Coretta Griffin             Ana Maria Lazo
                                    Melissa Price
        20 Years:                   Audra Rourk

        Andrea Ford                 Peter Thistle
        Colette Ramsey              Thomas Williams

        35 Years:

        Mary C. O’Connor

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