Page 16 - The MILConnection Spring 2022
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MILTON training online
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MILTON (MIL Training Online) was developed to help employees grow
professionally and personally. MILTON offers courses, certification prep,
practice labs, books, book summaries, and audiobooks. So choose what Intro to Skillsoft Percipio
interests you! The 2022 training year is well underway and runs until the for Learners
end of the year.
Skillsoft’s immersive learning platform, Percipio, offers several certifications
from global leaders in information technology and sponsors of best
practices in business processes. Certifications include CompTIA, (ISC)2,
ISAC, Cisco, CEH, AWS, GCP, PMI and Microsoft. Percipio is Latin for
"acquiring knowledge"— we hope it helps you sharpen your current skills,
dive into new ones, and feel confident that no matter what professional
challenges present themselves tomorrow, you'll be ready.
The Project Management Bootcamp experience
Yingwen (Agnes) Chen, Senior Analyst at NIST, recently enrolled in a Project Management Bootcamp. Here’s what Agnes had
to say about her most recent MILTON Percipio experience.
“MILTON Percipio is a great place to take professional training to sharpen and learn
professional knowledge. The site contains numerous training courses covering a wide variety of
subjects. I enjoy taking the training courses it offers.
I recently took the Skillsoft PMP ATP Bootcamp Live Sessions training through MILTON.
This Bootcamp is a wonderful online Live training program that covers comprehensive topics
related to Project Management Professional (PMP) training and the preparation for the PMP
certification exam. Extensive resources and materials are provided to assist the PMP learning
and exam in the Bootcamp. Live instructions are provided to not only cover the contents of the
PMP training but also provide tips for exam preparation. Students are given opportunities to
ask questions. All the Live sessions are recorded to allow replay.
Overall, it is a very well-designed PMP Bootcamp that allows professionals to take training
from around the world.”
Register for live courses Percipio app enhancement:
Learning reinforcement flashcards
Current MILTON users - have you noticed the
new bar, on the home page, to view upcoming Flashcards help you reinforce the learning you gained from
live courses? The image below makes finding and taking a course. Just like you used in school, flashcards
registering for live courses much easier! provide a question on one side and the answer on the other.
Using the Pericipio app, learners can access Flashcards based
on courses they have completed in the past to refresh the
skills learned.
For more information, including the MILTON enrollment form, course catalogs, and details regarding our awards program,
please go to the MILtranet's HR-MILTON page. For further information or questions, please contact Colleen O’Connor.
16 | the MIL connection | spring 2022