Page 11 - The MILConnection Spring 2022
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Patrick Bartos is promoted to Business Analysis, Associate. Overseas Customer Support Desk operations in Charleston,
Patrick joined MIL in 2015, initially supporting the DoS Post Sofia, and Bangkok. She has continued to grow and improve
Support Unit before joining the Post Allotment Accounting the QCP under her leadership. She continues to develop
(PAA) team in 2017 as an Accountant. He now supports the and create more efficient processes and procedures for the
client as a Business Process Analyst. Patrick continues to continuous improvement of CST. Susan has also been a
excel in his career and is recognized for his customer focus, contributor within CGFS, taking part in numerous successful
proactive nature, business and systems knowledge, and interdepartmental internal audits. Day in and day out, Susan
initiative. He plays a lead role in supporting Annual Close, continues to provide outstanding service and commitment to
has become a subject matter expert in several areas, and is helping others.
leading several efforts for PAA, such as ULO reversals and Jeffery Windsor is promoted to Technical Training, Senior
1099s. Patrick is always ready to learn new processes, is eager Associate. For over 15 years with MIL, Jeff has played a
to take on new responsibilities, and consistently exceeds our key role on the CGFS Customer Support and Training
clients’ expectations. His excellent work ensures projects are team in Charleston, SC. He currently leads an effort on
successful and the client is happy. the Implementation Team to train posts around the world
Kyle Brooks is promoted to Vice President. Kyle joined in the new RFMS/C Cashiering software. Often working
MIL in 2008 and has been supporting the Department of hours around the clock, Jeff is an essential part of the
State (DoS) client for 17 years. He is a senior advisor to DoS implementation team’s success. Jeff is highly respected by
and consults on a wide variety of business, operational, both DoS management and his MIL peers.
and technical matters. His depth of knowledge of financial
management systems, business operations, technology,
artificial intelligence (AI), and quality management systems
has been instrumental in enabling MIL to provide an Rapid Engineering & Prototyping
advanced level of client support and has allowed us to grow Solutions
an integral part of our business process and system support
areas. Kyle’s commitment, expertise, initiative, and keen David Harris is promoted to Engineering, Manager. David
business sense has elevated MIL’s reputation and confidence joined MIL in 2018 and serves as the project, technical, and
with client executive leadership. Kyle has positioned MIL to personnel manager for the SCMS family of projects that
be trusted provider of Robotics Process Automation (RPA) include NGCIMS, CERFP, JISCC, UCS, and CST systems
services to the federal government. He has been recognized that supports Chemical, Biological, and Radiation Network
for his expertise in RPA and AI by Google, UiPath, federal platforms in all 50 states. His efforts led to over $1MM
consulting firms, several federal agencies, many DoS bureaus, in additional revenue to the family of projects through
and CGFS. Kyle is a key resource to DoS on many high-profile the addition of subcontractors to the GRFIN contract as
projects. The relationships he has fostered with our clients well as direct labor for REPS personnel. As Engineering
ensures their reliance and confidence in MIL staff. Kyle Manager, David will continue to lead the Distributed Sensors
embodies the core values, professionalism, and customer Engineering team.
service that results in MIL’s reputation of excellence. Don Hutcherson is promoted to Logistics, Manager. Don has
Jennifer Dawson is promoted to Business Analysis, been a valuable employee to the MIL REPS Sector for over 10
Manager. Jennifer joined MIL in 2007 and has developed years supporting the Mission Systems Engineering contract
an excellent reputation for her financial management with Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD)
systems and operational knowledge. She is an advisor to Webster Outlying Field (WOLF). For the last six years, he has
DoS and consults/collaborates on a wide variety of business, served as the on-site Team Lead and Senior Logistician with
operational, and technical matters. With the absences of a the Office of Acquisition (OA) Logistics and Sustainment
government system accountant to support the Post Allotment Division (L&SD) supporting an Interagency Agreement
Accounting team, Jennifer stepped up to lead the Annual between NAWCAD WOLF and U.S. Customs and Border
Close process in the last two years along with the RFMS/M Protection (CBP). On 21 December 2021, Don was recognized
update from Momentum 7.0.5 to Momentum 7.7 and the for outstanding support with a Letter of Appreciation from
update from Momentum 7.7 to Momentum 7.9. Jennifer Mr. Ricky J. Cornelia, CBP OA Director of L&SD. As quoted
works tirelessly to ensure the client’s needs are met, while also from the letter, Mr. Cornelia offered his “sincerest gratitude
ensuring her MIL responsibilities are taken care of in a timely for the significant contributions you have made to the Office
manner. In addition to her strong business analyst skills, she of Acquisition and the agency this past year. Your consistent
provides staff management and mentoring to ensure MIL effort, ingenuity, and positive attitude have allowed our
delivers the best service to DoS. office to continue to support the U.S. Customs and Border
Susan Robinson is promoted to Quality Assurance, Protection mission in an exemplary fashion despite very
Associate. Susan joined MIL in 2015 as the Quality Control challenging circumstances. I am inspired by the resilience,
Program (QCP) Coordinator for Customer Support and adaptability, and discipline you have shown, demonstrating
Training (CST). She previously worked as an analyst on the once again that our workforce is our most valuable asset.”
Payroll Customer Support Desk within CST. Susan has been Through his efforts, Don has attained the highest respect from
a key contributor in the review of case work from Payroll both his NAWCAD WOLF and CBP customer’s. His dedication
Customer Support, Commercial Claims, as well as the and professionalism are a contributing factor for MIL’s
continued success.
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