Page 243 - Foy
P. 243
HENRY reportedly became a part of a dance team and had some bit parts in early
{{ This information was checked out at the MARGARET HERRICK
California. No reference to Henry as being credited with any appearance
in any motion picture production was located. However, a great deal of
information was found regarding persons named FOY in that library who
had been associated with motion pictures. So much so that I have included
a chapter in this book regarding FOYs in the movie industry. }}
Members of TRUMAN FRANK FOY’s family and TRUMAN FRANK himself visited the
SPRINKLEs in California in the 50's. At that time they were raising their grandchildren
and the whereabouts of their son HENRY was not known.
I recall visiting Aunt MAE in California in the 50's. I recall this visit very vividly because
it was the first time I had ever been to California. One night while there I was sleeping
on the couch at their home and was spilled onto the floor during the largest
earthquake California had experienced in decades. Palm trees were uprooted in their
yard and dishes were thrown from their cabinets onto the floor of the house. It was
a memorable experience.
Later, when my family and I lived in the Los Angeles area in the 60's, I visited Aunt
MAE with my mother JEAN MILLER. At that time MAE was doing China painting and
somehow I got some of her work which are still prized possessions.
In 1969 when TRUMAN FRANK FOY died, I was dispatched by my mother to go and
tell MAE of his death. That was the last time I ever saw her or heard from her. She
was then living alone in an apartment in Panorama City, in the San Fernando Valley,
North of Los Angeles.
According to Social Security records she died in January 1973 in Panorama City.
[Note: ALICE’s middle name is spelled MAY in the family bible but is spelled MAE on her
marriage record and other records.]
TAB 17 Cisco Clan Page 54