Page 248 - Foy
P. 248


               We know nothing about ANNIE FOY except that she is mentioned on a genealogy
               chart made by Mary Brown.  On that chart which I have seen but can not now find
               is the notation beside ANNIE’s name “age 21, Ft Worth, TX”.  I do not know the
               significance of that notation.

               On the next page is another one of the treasures found by Dorothy Mae Foy Lassiter
               when she looked through a box of photos her father, Truman Frank Foy, had.  On the
               back of the photo on the next page is the following notation:

                                                                  “Joe Sparks     &   Annie Foy”      is the
                                                                  notation.    I  have no idea     who Joe
                                                                  Sparks is.

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