Page 87 - Foy
P. 87

The most significant records collected relating to JAMES FOY, SR concern his
               military   record during     the  American Revolutionary War.           Information     from
               those records and news items concerning the war and the battles JAMES fought
               in will be discussed in the next chapter.

               Much about a persons life can be learned from reading his will. Below is a copy
               of the beginning paragraph of JAMES FOY, SR’s will as it appears on official
               North Carolina records.         It  is not  the  writing of  JAMES    FOY,    SR  or  even a
               member of his family or a friend. It is, however, a copy of a portion of his will as
               contained in official records in North Carolina.

               There was no carbon paper,           no typewriter,    no copy    machine,    or any other
               method of reproducing documents at the time JAMES’ will was filed with the
               courts for probate.  All filed documents were copied by hand and, thus, became
               a part of the official court records. The handwriting seen below is probably that

               of a civil servant of the court. I got a copy of the complete will of JAMES FOY,
               SR   from   microfilm     at  the  Mormon    Genealogical Library in       Salt  Lake City,

                                                                                                      T H E
                                                                                                      O    F
                                                                                                      J A M
                                                                                                      E    S

                                                         Ch. 9 Pg. 4
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