Page 91 - Foy
P. 91
James Foy Senior (seal)
Signed and delievered
in the presents of
J.W.F. Blake
C. Sparkman
Onslow County
In Court February Term 1823
This will of James Foy Senior was proved in open court by the oath of C.
Sparkman, one of the subscribing witnesses and Joshua Foy, one of the
executors herein named qualified thereto,
B. Lester, Clerk
By R.C. Lester, D.C.
Notice: Is hereby Given that James Foy Senior is dead and that the County
Court held for the County of Onslow the first Monday
inFebruary1823thesubscriber qualified as executor to the last will and
Testament of said deceased and this is therefore to notice all persons having
claims against said estate to present them properly attested in the time
perscribed by law or this notice will be plead in Bar, and also for all those
indebted to the said estate to make immediate payment or suit will be
commenced against them indiscriminately February 4th, 1823.
Joshua Foy, Exect.
L.T. Olney
B. Fonvielle
[I will not defend nor condemn the owning of slaves in this book. As you see
JAMES had many of them, as did other FOYs. Each of us has our own thoughts
about the matter. Right and wrong, good and evil, being socially or politically
correct, and a host of other moral issues are matters which are faced by all
peoples at all times and in all places. It is sufficient to say that the general
feelings of honorable people in the early 1800s were different from those of
honorable people in later years in the same century and the people in the
Ch. 9 Pg. 8