Page 92 - Foy
P. 92
JAMES FOY, SENIOR and his wives had several children. Names of at least
eleven are found in various researcher’s lists.
They were:
Unknown female (There are some who name this girl ELIZABETH,
allegedly born in Craven County; later married LEWIS MUMFORD in
December 1788 and had a son named EDWARD MUMFORD born October 22,
JAMES FOY, JR (1774-1825)
ENOCH FOY (1777-1846)
LEWIS FOY (1782- ?)
FREDERICK FOY II (1785-1833)
ELIZABETH FOY ( 1789- ?)
JOSHUA FOY ( 1786- 1862)
Of those children, listed above, the most significant to the JOHN ELON FOY
descendants is LEWIS FOY. LEWIS FOY was the father of BENJAMIN
FRANKLIN FOY who moved to Texas and was the father of JOHN ELON FOY.
During his lifetime JAMES FOY, SR held several public positions. In 1774 he
was appointed procession master in the Southwest District. In 1778 he was
appointed County Ranger and took the tax list in the Southwest District, a job
he held for some twenty years.
In 1782 he became a Justice of the Peace for Onslow County. He resigned this
position in 1803. From 1793 to 1795 JAMES FOY, SR is mentioned as the mail
contractor from New Bern to Wilmington. A distance of 100 miles. For that job
he received $500.00 per year.
After we discuss the AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR and our ancestor,
Ch. 9 Pg. 9