Page 47 - WM Manual Guide and Monitor 2024 - 2025
P. 47

Opening the Lodge
                             M⸫ W⸫ Tri-State Grand Lodge Instruction Document)
                                          M.W. Grand Master Jon L. Baker

               Eight Steps To Open The Lodge

               1.  The Tylers Oath (Sample)

               I (State Your Name) most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that

               have been Initiated to the Degree of Entered Apprentice Passed to the Degree
               of a Fellowcraft, and Raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason In a
               Justly and Duly Constituted Lodge of Master Masons I am not currently
               Suspended or Expelled And can see of no reason why I  may not have Masonic
               Communication with my Brethren

               2.  See that the Lodge is Duly Tyled
               3.  Taking up as the Password
               4.  Examination of the Officers
               5.  Giving of the Signs with Grand Hailing .Sign
               6.  The Raps aka Thanks for the Raps
               7.  Prayer
               8.  Junior Deacon, Inform the Tyler
               9.  Senior Deacon, Prepare the Alter Notes:
               Origination of Tyler Reference Significance of Deacon's Staffs Significance of
               Steward's Staffs Staff Use
               England's Lord High Stewards Rod in the House of Lords

               Make a Motion, never saying I make a motion, we always rise to move
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