Page 52 - WM Manual Guide and Monitor 2024 - 2025
P. 52

A Sword Pointing to a Naked Heart

               This  emblem is referred  to  as  a  symbol  of  justice.  It is  a  constant reminder that
               God will  reward  us according to  what  we  do  in this  life. We are reminded that
               rewards and justice will be tempered with mercy  and understanding. It reminds us
               that  most importantly the All Seeing Eye of God pervades the innermost, recesses
               of  the  human  heart  and rewards  us  according  to  our  merits.  This  emblem  also
               reminds us that justice will sooner or later overtake us.

                                                         The Ark

               The Ark represents Noah. Masonically it symbolizes the passing of man from this
               life_ to one better and everlasting. Those who spent their lives in the  service of their
               God, their  country,  and  their  fellow man  could  hope,  and  expect  to  be  safely
               wafted  over  this  tempestuous sea  of troubles.

                                                       The Anchor

               The Anchor is a symbol of safety. The Operative use of an anchor is to keep a boat
               or ship from  drifting by action  of the tide, wind,  or current.  Masonically,  it
               reminds us to put our trust in Deity, as in a peaceful harbor, where the wicked
               cease from troubling and where the weary shall find rest. Both the Anchor and
               the Ark are Emblems of a well- grounded hope and a well-spent  life.

                                     The Forty-seventh Problem of the Euclid

               The Forty-seventh  Problem  of  the Euclid  is of utmost  importance  to Operative
               Masons  coupled with the  opportunity to  extol the virtues of Pythagoras. Euclid's
               47th and 4gth were required by the
               Cathedral  Builders.  They  represent  the  root  of  Geometry, which  is  the
               foundation  of  Mathematics.  The  Forty-seventh  Problem  also  symbolizes
               perseverance in the search for truth and knowledge.

                                                     The Hour Glass

               The Hour Glass comes to us as a gloomy subject. It clearly represents time as a
               representation  of  human  life.  We  marvel of  how quickly the particles  pass,
               almost imperceptivity, as the  hour is exhausted. The Hour Glass reminds us of
               that First Degree working tool that teaches of  that  portion  dedicated  to  the
               service to God and distressed Worthy Brothers. The Hour Glass teaches us that
               Time should be used wisely, and that once wasted it can never be recovered.
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