Page 54 - WM Manual Guide and Monitor 2024 - 2025
P. 54
The Landmarks of Freemasonry
"A Summary"
1. The Modes of Recognition, Signs, Grips, and Passwords
2. Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason, including Royal Arch
3. The Legend of the Third Degree, also called the Legend of the Builder
4. The government of the Fraternity headed by the Grand Master
5. The Grand Master is the presiding officer in every assembly of the Craft
6. The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for degrees
7. The right of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for opening a lodge
8. The right of a Grand Master to make a Mason on sight, (Occasional
9. The necessity for Freemasons to congregate in Lodges
10. The Governance by Worshipful Master, Senior Warden and Junior
11. The necessity of every lodge, when congregated, to be Tyled
12. The right of every Freemason to be represented in all general meetings
13. The right of every Freemason to appeal a Lodge ruling to the Grand Lodge
14. The right of every freemason to visit and sit in every regular Lodge
15. No visitor unknown to the Lodge may be admitted without examination
16. No Lodge can interfere in the business of another Lodge, including degrees
17. Every Freemason is subject to the Laws of the jurisdiction in which he
18. Initiation Qualifications, to be a man, unmutilated, free born, and of age
19. The belief of a Candidate of the existence of a God, as G.A.0.T.U.
20. The belief of the Candidate as to the resurrection to a future life
21. A "Book of Law" or "V.0.L. shall be part of the furniture of every Lodge
22. The equality of all Masons, we meet in the Lodge upon the level
23. The secrecy of the Institution, including methods of recognition and
24. The Foundation of Speculative Freemasonry upon Operative Masonry
25. Every Grand Lodge is Sovereign in its own jurisdiction regarding any