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P. 114
PharmD clinical pharmacy program Level 3, Semester 2 Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(
2. Factors affecting the concentration of drug in solution in the GI fluids
❑ The rate and extent of absorption of a drug depend on the effective concentration
of that drug, i.e. the concentration of drug in solution in the GI fluids which is in
an absorbable form.
❑ The principal physicochemical properties that can influence the effective drug
concentration in the GI fluids are:
(A) Complexation
➢ Complexation of a drug may occur within the dosage form and/or in the GI fluids.
➢ Complexation can be beneficial or detrimental to absorption.
1. Complexes that reduce drug absorption
a-Complexation with mucin
▪ Mucin, a normal component of GI fluids, complexes with some drugs.
▪ The antibiotic streptomycin binds to mucin, thereby reducing the available
concentration of the drug for absorption. This may contribute to its poor