Page 109 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 109

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                            o  The faster-dissolving anhydrous form of ampicillin was absorbed to a
                                greater extent than was the slower-dissolving trihydrate form.
                   Example 2: Mercaptopurine
                            o  The anhydrous form dissolves more rapidly than the hydrous one. On the
                                other  hand,                                    have  high  solubility  and
                                dissolution rate compared to the anhydrous form of the drug

                     o  The amorphous form usually dissolves more rapidly than the corresponding

                         crystalline form(s).

                     o                                                   The  rapidly  dissolving  amorphous

                         form  was  readily  absorbed  following  oral  administration  of  an  aqueous

                         suspension. However, the slower-dissolving crystalline form was not absorbed.

                     o                           A mixture of amorphous and crystalline forms provides

                         an initial fast absorption followed by sustained effect. The amorphous form is

                         rapidly dissolved while the crystalline form is slowly dissolved and absorbed.

                  (c) Solubility in the diffusion layer, C

                   ➢  The dissolution rate of a drug under sink conditions, according to the Noyes-

                        Whitney  equation,  is  directly  proportional  to  its  intrinsic  solubility  in  the

                        diffusion layer surrounding each dissolving drug particle, Cs.

                   ➢  In  the  case of drugs  that  are  weak  electrolytes, their  aqueous  solubilities  are

                        dependent on pH:

                   ❖  The solubility of weakly acidic drugs increases with pH, and so as a drug moves

                        down the GIT from the stomach to the intestine, its solubility will increase

                   ❖  Conversely, the solubility of weak bases decreases with increasing pH, i.e. as the

                        drug moves down the GIT

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