Page 106 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 106

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                      •  Hence dissolution occurs under sink conditions, that is, under conditions such

                           that the value of (Cs - C) approximates to Cs. Thus, for the dissolution of a

                           drug from the GIT under sink conditions the Noyes-Whitney equation can be

                           expressed as
                                                   dC / dt = D A Cs / h

                  (C). Drug factors affecting dissolution rate

                        (a) Surface area and particle size

                        (b) Crystal form
                        (c) Solubility in the diffusion layer, C

                        (d) Salt formation
                  (a). Surface area and particle size

                   According to the Noyes-Whitney equation, an increase in the total surface area

                   of drug in contact with the GI fluids will cause an increase in dissolution rate.

                   The smaller the particle size, the greater the effective surface area exhibited by a

                   given mass of drug, the higher the dissolution rate.

                   Particle size reduction is thus likely to result in increased bioavailability, provided

                   the absorption of the drug is dissolution-rate limited

                                Griseofulvin
                  A  reduction  of  particle  size  from about  10  µm  to 2.7  µm  was  shown  to  produce

                  approximately double the amount of drug absorbed in humans.

                   Many  poorly  soluble,  slowly  dissolving  drugs  are  routinely  presented  in

                        micronized form to increase their surface area.

                       The particle size reduction is not always desirable (why?)

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