Page 102 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 102

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                  (e)- Alteration of gastric emptying

                  Enteric-coated tablets or non-disintegrating dosage forms may stay in the stomach

                  for a longer period of time because food delays stomach emptying.
                  Fatty food can slow gastric emptying and retard drug absorption, thus delaying the

                  onset of action of certain drugs.

                  (f)- Stimulation of GI secretions
                      ✓  GI  secretions  (e.g.  pepsin)  produced  in  response  to  food  may  result  in  the

                         degradation of drugs that are susceptible to enzymatic metabolism, and hence

                         in a reduction in their bioavailability.

                      ✓  The ingestion of food, particularly fats, stimulates the secretion of bile.

                      ✓  Bile salts are surface active agents and can increase the dissolution of poorly

                         soluble drugs, thereby enhancing their absorption.

                      ✓  In  contrast,  bile  salts  have  been  shown  to  form  insoluble  and  hence  non-

                         absorbable complexes with some drugs, such as neomycin, kanamycin and


                  (g)- Increased viscosity of gastrointestinal contents

                  The presence of food in the GIT provides a viscous environment which may result


                      ✓ Reduction in the rate of drug dissolution,

                      ✓ Reduction in the rate of diffusion of drug in solution from the lumen to the

                         absorbing membrane lining the GIT.

                      ✓ Hence, there is reduction in drug bioavailability.

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