Page 105 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 105

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                  (B). Physiological factors affecting dissolution rate

                  The  environment  of  the  GIT  can  affect  the  parameters  of  the  Noyes-Whitney

                  equation and hence the dissolution rate of a drug  .

                      1. The diffusion coefficient, D, of the drug in the GIT fluids may be decreased by

                           the presence of substances that increase the viscosity of the fluids  .Hence the

                           presence of food in the GIT may cause a decrease in dissolution rate of a drug

                           by reducing the rate of diffusion of the drug molecules away from the diffusion

                      2. Surfactants in gastric juice and bile salts will increase both the wettability and

                           the solubility of the drug in the GIT (via micellization).

                      ▪  Increasing the wettability will increase the effective surface area, A, exposed

                           to GIT fluids (thus increasing the dissolution rate).

                      ▪  Increasing solubility will increase the concentration of the drug in the diffusion

                           layer, Cs (thus increasing the dissolution rate).

                      3. The  thickness of  the  diffusion layer, h, will  be  influenced  by  the  degree of

                           agitation experienced by each drug particle in the GIT              Hence an

                           increase in gastric and/or intestinal motility              may increase the dissolution
                           rate by decreasing the thickness of the diffusion layer.

                      4. The concentration, C, of drug in solution in the bulk of the GI fluids will be
                           influenced by such factors as

                      A. The rate of removal of dissolved drug by absorption
                      B. The volume of fluid available for dissolution.

                      •  A low value of C will favor more rapid dissolution of the drug by virtue of

                           increasing the value of the term (Cs – C).
                      •  In the case of drugs whose absorption is dissolution-rate limited; the value of C

                           is normally kept very low by absorption of the drug
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