Page 97 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 97

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                The ileum

              It is the terminal part of the small intestine.

              The pH is about 7, with the distal part as high as 8.

              Due to the presence of bicarbonate secretion, acid drugs will dissolve.

              Bile secretion helps to dissolve fats and hydrophobic drugs.

              The ileocecal valve separates the small intestine from the colon.

               The colon lacks villi and has limited drug absorption also, because of:

                   •  The more viscous and

                   •  Semisolid nature of the lumen contents.
               The colon is lined with mucin that functions as lubricant and protectant.

               Bacteria, which are mainly localized within the colonic region of the GIT, also secrete

               enzymes which are capable of a range of reactions. These enzymes have been utilized

               when designing drugs or dosage forms to target the colon.

                Sulphasalazine  is  a  prodrug  of  5-aminosalicylic  acid  linked  via  an  azo  bond  to

                sulphapyridine. The sulphapyridine moiety makes the drug too large and hydrophilic

                to be absorbed in the upper GIT, and thus permits its transport intact to the colonic

                region, where the bacterial enzymes reduce the azo bond and release the active drug

                for local action in colonic diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease.

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