Page 137 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 137

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                      2.  Disease States Affecting Distribution

                      ❑  In liver, heart, and renal failure,

                        The cardiac output and/or perfusion of blood to various tissues are altered.
                      ❑ A decrease in perfusion to the tissues results in:

                              lower rate of distribution and, therefore,
                               lower  drug  concentration  in  the  affected  tissues  relative  to  the

                                  plasma drug concentration.

                      ❑  When  the  tissue  that  receives  poor  perfusion  is  the  primary  eliminating

                           a lower rate of drug elimination results,
                           which then may cause drug accumulation in the body

                      3.  Physico-chemical Properties and lipid Solubility of the Drug

                   1.  Drugs having M. Wt. of ˂ 500 to 600 Daltons easily cross the capillary membrane

                        to  penetrate  into  the  extracellular  fluids  (except  in  CNS)  because  junctions

                        between the capillary endothelial cells are not tight.

                   2.  Water-soluble  molecules  and  ions  of  size  below  50  daltons  enter  the  cell

                        through aqueous filled channels, whereas, those of larger size are restricted

                        unless a specialized transport system exists for them.

                   3.  A drug that is highly lipid soluble easily penetrates most membrane barriers,

                        which are mainly lipid based, and distributes extensively to fat tissues.

                   4.  Lipid soluble drugs also more readily cross special barriers such as the blood

                        brain barrier as well as the placental barrier.

                   5. Drugs that are very polar and therefore hydrophilic (e.g., aminoglycosides) do

                                 not distribute well into fat tissues.

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