Page 155 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 155

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                Glucuronide formation is the most common phase II reaction.

                Sometimes, the parent drug may undergo phase II conjugation directly.

                In some cases, a drug may undergo a series of consecutive reactions resulting in the
                  formation of dozens of metabolites.

              Examples: conjugation of salicylic acid with glycine to form salicyluric acid OR

              glucuronic acid to form salicylglucuronide.

                  Factors affecting drug metabolism

                              1.  Species
                              2.  Age
                              3.  Sex and hormones

                              4.  Disease state
                              5.  Drug- drug interactions

            Enzyme Induction

                 • Some drugs and chemicals induce synthesis of metabolizing enzymes so that they will

                  increase rate of metabolism of another drug and as a consequence, the half life of the

                  latter will be shorter and the dose must be increased. These drugs are called enzyme


                 • As a result, these drugs may decrease bioavailability of other administered drugs that

                  are metabolized by these enzymes.

                            For example, phenobarbital induces the CYP
                            So if a patient who routinely ingest barbiturates or tranquilizers and who

                               must,  for  medical  reasons,  be  treated  with  warfarin  or  dicumarol  (oral


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