Page 156 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 156

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                    Because of a faster rate of drug metabolism, the dose of warfarin will need to

                      be increased.

                    If the patient should for some reason discontinue the barbiturates, the blood level
                      of warfarin will rise, perhaps leading to a bleeding disorder.


                             ✓  Phenobarbitone,
                             ✓  Phenytoin,
                             ✓  Carbamazepine,

                             ✓  Griseofulvin,
                             ✓  Testosterone,
                             ✓  Tobacco smoking, ethyl alcohol (chronic).

                 • Importance of enzyme induction:

                   a) It decreases the effect of other drug.

                  b) Tolerance is sometimes explained by a drug inducing its own metabolism, e.g.

                  ethyl alcohol, phenobarbitone.

                  c)  Phenobarbitone  induces  bilirubin  conjugation  so  used  in  treatment  of

                  hyperbilirubinemia in newborn.

                  Enzyme Inhibition

                    Many compounds (eg, cimetidine) may inhibit the enzymes that metabolize other

                      drugs in the body.

                    An  inhibitor  may  decrease the  rate  of  drug  metabolism  by several different


                    The inhibitor may combine with a cofactor such as NADPH2 needed for enzyme


                           Interact with the drug or substrate, or interact directly with the enzyme.

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