Page 156 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 156
PharmD clinical pharmacy program Level 3, Semester 2 Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(
Because of a faster rate of drug metabolism, the dose of warfarin will need to
be increased.
If the patient should for some reason discontinue the barbiturates, the blood level
of warfarin will rise, perhaps leading to a bleeding disorder.
✓ Phenobarbitone,
✓ Phenytoin,
✓ Carbamazepine,
✓ Griseofulvin,
✓ Testosterone,
✓ Tobacco smoking, ethyl alcohol (chronic).
• Importance of enzyme induction:
a) It decreases the effect of other drug.
b) Tolerance is sometimes explained by a drug inducing its own metabolism, e.g.
ethyl alcohol, phenobarbitone.
c) Phenobarbitone induces bilirubin conjugation so used in treatment of
hyperbilirubinemia in newborn.
Enzyme Inhibition
Many compounds (eg, cimetidine) may inhibit the enzymes that metabolize other
drugs in the body.
An inhibitor may decrease the rate of drug metabolism by several different
The inhibitor may combine with a cofactor such as NADPH2 needed for enzyme
Interact with the drug or substrate, or interact directly with the enzyme.