Page 187 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 187
PharmD clinical pharmacy program Level 3, Semester 2 Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(
Application of pharmacogenetics to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
helps in the development of models that may predict an individual’s risk to an
adverse drug event and therapeutic response.
The promise of such modeling efforts is that more individualized dosing regimens
may be developed resulting in more “personalized medicine” with fewer adverse
events and better therapeutic outcomes.
Variable response to a drug in the general population is thought to follow a normal
or Gaussian distribution about a mean or average dose, ED50.
The ED50 indicates the mean dose producing a therapeutic outcome.
Patients who fall within region A of the curve may be described as hyper-
responders while those in region B may be characterized as poor or hypo-
While pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences are thought to be
primarily responsible for this Gaussian variation in drug response, the extremes in
drug response may be due to unique interindividual genetic variability.
Simulated Gaussian distribution of population response to a hypothetical drug.