Page 89 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 89

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                   What  is  the  difference  between  Passive  Diffusion  and  Active  Transport

                   regarding their kinetics??
                       ➢  For  a  drug  absorbed  by  passive           ➢  In  contrast,  when  a  drug  is

                          diffusion,  the  rate  of  absorption            absorbed by a carrier-mediated

                          increases in a linear relationship to            process,

                          drug concentration.                       •  The  rate  of  drug  absorption

                                                        .               increases  with  drug  concentration

                                                                        until  the  carrier  molecules  are

                                                                        completely saturated.

                                                                    i.e.  the  rate  of  absorption  reaches  a

                                                                    saturation  point,  at  which  time  an

                                                                    increase  in  drug  concentration  (larger

                                                                    doses)  does  not  result  in  a  directly

                   Comparison of the rates of drug absorption of    proportional  increase  in  the  rate  of

                   a drug absorbed by passive diffusion (line A)  absorption.

                   and  a  drug  absorbed  by  a  carrier-mediated  This is because of a limited number of

                   system (line B).                                 carriers in the membrane.

                                                                    So, at higher drug concentrations, the

                                                                    rate  of  drug  absorption  remains

                                                                    constant, or zero order.

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